
I don't appreciate the title on this. It seems everyone is trying to ride out the "evil Sony and their negligence" scene. Well Sony went a long way to fix some of the issues they had. This new discovery about the potential to exploit a SINGLE account at a time is a PROACTIVE measure taken by Sony. This was not brought

A big contributor of this is the fact that our broadband networks are built (well, not even built, actually) as a sideline to the pre-existing cable provider networks. Rather than having a robust, dedicated internet provider with the bandwidth and speeds we actually need in this day and age, our networks are mere

I agree on all counts but schooling. My public education was appalling. Moron factories, nothing less.

Blacklisting devices is a great tool for Devs. Far too many dumbass people download graphics intensive games on their outdated devices, and post 1-star rage-rants on how the performance sucks. Morons.

18 Months? That's still absurd. 60 days should be a stretch.

For the last 3 weeks or so, gizmodo's articles (not the main site, only the article pages) have some script running on them that totally cripples this crappy IE8 browser. "This site is running a script that is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly" etc etc. No matter how amny times I say to end the script, it

You'll have to flash a new stock ROM. It's a huge pain. Been there done that...

I love this app. Works wonderfully! Just gotta remember to flag a new app for internet when you install one (off by default) or it may not be able to run/launch/connect.

I'm with you, man. I live in DC and there's some crazy asian lady who walks around with bags in bags... in bags..... in bags. She just sits there talking to herself, taking them out of eachother and re-assorting them. People are nuts.

Thank you sir!

I didn't until I seen your reply. Damn you!

The glycemic index of our breakfast cereals are 10-fold deadly as any pudding or fast food. Unless it's a very breaded fast food... pasta and buns, maybe.

Well they did want equality...

As much as this post belongs on Lifehacker, +1 anyway!

lol that gun is so OP

Danger is my middle name.

Whoa whoa buddy calm down. The internet is a place chalk-full of misinformation. Don't go throwing knives at these guys for reporting what they've found. It's not like they are in Tokyo reporting from their own experiences. This isn't some attack on your culture or government. These guys were totally wrong on the

Toss in a windows installation disk and repair, or explore the disk content and copy over a fresh replacement.

Are you talking about the US or am I misunderstanding? Because we are FAR from 99.9% lmao I'm white and I'm a minority here.

around 6:45 this monring