
Behaviour like this doesn't come out of nowhere, though. Even if she hadn't drugged them, I'll bet there's been a long string of incidents leading them to think she's capable of it.

That's a very good point. Also, your screen name is awesome.

Kelly Osbourne, you are seriously overestimating how much people care that you're thin.

This article is just mean.

Yes, exactly. I'm a historian, and although I love a strict vintage aesthetic, it really irks me when people reduce the complex social history of a period to a simple binary (women were women and men were men!). It's false, and it's rooted more in modern media and your own imagination than in any historical fact.

You know what's going to happen here? A teacher is going to shoot a student and then shoot themselves. In front of children. That is what will come of this, mark my words.

We aren't just experiencing a helium shortage, we are running out. Like, the world only has so much, we can't make more, and once it's gone we can't make superconductors or MRI machines.

I'm with you - Denny's, IHOP, and Cracker Barrel feel like such south-of-the-border treats. I know this is a ridiculous thing to say, but American food seems so exotic and delightful sometimes!

Yes. Correct. Who cares if citizens can defend themselves? Seriously, who cares? Give me a list of people who died for lacking a gun. Now compare it to the people who died because one of their fellow citizens had access to a gun.

I actually liked this better than the average VS ad because it humanzied the models and let them speak as themselves, rather than just posing as suparsexy underwear robots, like usual.

My parents were always clear that there was no Santa, and we give and receive gifts because we care for each other. They were also very clear with us that if our friends believed in wholeheartedly Santa we shouldn't contradict them, because that might make them sad. The line they taught us was "we don't have Santa at

I saw this headline and thought it was a joke about Sugarcrisp cereal and, like, high fructose corn syrup or something. I'm not smart.

Ugh. No!

Where did they even get all of those sombreros and ponchos? That is not some racist shit that just happened. They put a lot of effort into being assholes.

I don't get the "OMG! They're remaking a beloved movie with someone more relevant to the young people of today!!!" freakout.

Fewer 'daily' and more 'occasional' drinkers is actually a pretty healthy trend, no? Unless they're replacing the daily wine with mouthwash or something.

The Miracle Dress is ridiculous. You might as well wear a sign that says "I'm THIN!" It would be just as convincing.

Word. That is very, VERY similar to my experience - I lost my virginity in my mid-20s, and I mostly felt like a freak about it up until then. Poor self esteem and an anxiety disorder played a part not finding a partner for so long, and it mostly felt like a huge relief when it was over. My first experience was quite

I don't think that photo is an example of Ms_elroy's work. It's a picture of the woman the article is about.

Gaga, if that's your "I wake up smiling" face, we need to have a talk about what 'smiling' means.