
My aunt was telling me that her granddaughters' private school has a policy where all 34 kids in the class have to be invited if more the 6 kids in the class are going to be invited. Not all the boys or all the girls, but every single classmate. So I could totally see doing two parties for sanity's sake, and gender a

Some good genes from their gorgeous mom, I'd say!

Condoms only have an effectiveness rate around 85%, not 99%. To get a 99% rate, you'd need an IUD or sterilization. Or double up with a barrier method plus a hormonal method (though my oldest was a patch/diaphragm double failure so even a 99.4% combined rate may still not be enough).

In my family, I am convinced there is a definite underlying biochemical imbalance that manifests itself differently depending on the cultural factors that the individual is subject to. It has shown up as substance abuse, eating disorders, religious zealotry, hypochondria, etc. All have a common thread of anxiety and

My younger daughter has autism and while we knew she had a speech & language delay by the time she was 18 months, it literally took 4 different evaluations (developmental pediatrician, school district psychologist, Regional Center psychologist, and pediatric neurologist) for me to accept the diagnosis. I kept hoping

There really *IS* such a thing as non-celiac gluten intolerance that can have very serious physical effects. My youngest daughter was tested for celiac twice (2nd time extended panel) and twice for wheat allergy (again 2nd time extended panel) because she was off-the-charts small. All the tests came back negative. But

He wants somebody who attended a top school and has a good career but isn't a Type A personality. I don't think that combo exists.

I am petite and if some woman who was 7" taller and 35 lbs. heavier than me was beating me up, I'd call her "way bigger than me" as well.

Today's 10 is what used to be a 14. I have a pair of old GAP jeans from the '90's that I have kept for painting and other grungy chores. They are a 10 but are the EXACT same as the current GAP size 6 jeans. The old 10 was not plus-sized, but the current vanity-sized one is.

I mostly see 14's and 16's left on the clearance racks. A lot of stores don't even stock below a 6.

If you can't even get your own father to invest in your fund, you know you are screwed...

The sad thing is that it happens. My hubby works in financial services and he is the quant guy on his team. He grew up lower-middle-class so he has had to make it in the industry on his brains rather than nepotism. He does not have the connections however to do the fundraising/schmoozing part, so another guy on the

Admins in the financial industry often work 80 hr weeks, so it makes sense they get compensated for their demanding schedule.

A lot of places where people can earn $220k salaries have ridiculously high costs-of-living. Sure that salary would buy a pretty sweet lifestyle in the Midwest where housing is cheap, but it really does NOT go all that far in someplace like Manhattan or San Francisco.

Yeah, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and there are a LOT of regular middle-class folks who are millionaires on paper because they bought a house 3 or 4 decades ago. They never made a high salary but they own a house that's now worth >$1M.

African-American, Latina or multiracial, ambiguous, white, Asian, white. So at least half ethnic, possibly two-thirds.

Princess Sofia all grown up and skanked out...

Gotta love the "let's pretend to be multicultural by drawing an Anglo-looking chick and then changing the hair and skin color on 3 of them".

Yes, being significantly overweight is definitely seen as a negative even for men. But there isn't as much pressure on (hetero) men to be very slender like there is on women.

I live near S.F. and yes, the skinny men are thin by any standards. HOWEVER, most of the skinny guys I know are gay. The hetero guys tend to be medium or even slightly heavy (like 20-30 lbs. overweight).