ALL the stars, lol
ALL the stars, lol
That would be hilarious, given at 13 I was all Goth and would have gone with Raven or something. And be embarrassed now, lol.
...Okay, I’m curious. What would my top names tell you? Marcus and Katarina (shortened to Mark and Kat in class because I promised not to FULLY hate my imaginary children)
Oh god, imagine the kid named Quinoa having to tell people how to pronounce his/her name! Poor thing...
Thank you!!! I was trying to better understand why this was the case. I guess what I should do is say “I’m willing to spend more on your clothes, IF you raise worker salaries and quality of work space?”
*sigh* If only, lol. Then he’d vote in new Chief Justices, and Congress members, and magical unicorns to give everyone healthcare!
I...kinda want this for that crazy look they went with.
True. One openly rebelled against the not-reading peer pressure of an entire town, while the other didn’t fall in line constantly for her sole role as ‘best voice in the choir’ for her father. And anyone that can scold a monster she was obviously still very afraid of is a badass.
I don’t want the BAN Christmas, just not have it shoved in my face every year. It’s why I’m in charge of Holiday parties at work; then I’m ‘embracing multi-culturalism’ when I call it a Winter Potluck AND I don’t have to have more damn peppermints everywhere.
Oh yes. Which is why I really hope the defamation law suits to come can help FUND Abortion rights.
Exactly! I mean, those women must have been Harlots and Jezebels (ha!) to have unwanted pregnancies anyway, so why worry about them. It’s all about ‘teh babiez’ that can’t defend themselves.
HA! That’s how I feel! All the stars to you, friend.
Getting jobs can help with that a lot. Also, talking to the kids about finances and how things work re: earning amount vs. cost of living early helps them gain perspective. I had a lot of help in college from family, but I didn’t understand finances because it was taboo in the family to speak of them. I had to learn…
I’m certainly grateful for the help my father gave me in college for those evil, expensive textbooks and food(I’ve worked at the stores that sell those things, I can assure you the ones taking the biggest cut are the textbook makers themselves). I wouldn’t have eaten Sunday nights if I was on my own, since the campus…
You are the true airport hero, my friend.
Nice article. One thing I would add is that by only letting one group of refugees (Christians) in and ignoring others, Sen. Cruz is ignoring the more egalitarian side of Christianity that scholars attribute to the early movement.
Wow. Is this guy a Christian? Because if so, ohhhhh the laughter I have re: historical examples of Christians and violence.
You are right, convicted criminals deserve jobs, too. But most corporations, like the NFL, tend to have HR and codes of conduct that state they can fire you for even rumors of domestic abuse, lest it hurt their image. It happened to one of my family members, even though no police reports were filed, let alone charges.…
I am WAY too amused at the idea of a pre-schooler getting ‘expelled,’ especially when it seems obvious it was the parents that the owner hated. I just keep thinking things like, ‘Is this on their kindergarten permanent record?’ Even the kids I babysat that needed to be removed from pre-school were just ‘relocated.’
lol, glad to have you on the dem side of the insanity! I’m more independant, if I can be, but usually I don’t think there’s enough of a chance and want to vote dem to get the less raging douche into office. But I will remember ‘08 as my first election, and proudly telling my father’s friends later that day that I…