
... machineinstrument do it.

That's what I assumed he was talking about, and it is not.

There is actually no reason to think that quantum teleportation will allow us to send classical information at faster than light speed, and there are very good reasons that it will not. I'm sorry, but you shouldn't always trust sites like iflscience to correctly interpret the results of a study.

I expected more from you, Crap McPoopin.

As I understand it, length is more important than girth when filling such a hole.

Ah, but the last throne was made of only *one* kind of golf club. No woods, no putters.

Nobody talks about EdinGow because it's citizens wouldn't tolerate it, Glasgow is more likely to fight it's own war of independence to avoid getting lumped in with Edinburgh and you are more likely to see both cities expanding away from each other. They are VERY different places so they will never combine, anyone from

You forgot Gurren Lagann, who in its final form was made of pure energy and could hurl galaxies.

2001 would be on top if they had more choreographed fight sequences. Also, I think HAL would lose to Agent Smith.


Oh cripes there's more.

Okay, fine, let's discuss the funny comments here.

The Stainless Steel Rat. First, last, and always.

I'd like the researchers to test their conclusions with Australian conditions before making that claim.

Does anybody have any data on bushfires in Australia? I'd be VERY interested to see it but my 2 minute google hasn't resulted in anything...

Does "stronger than anywhere" include Australia? 'cause I'm having doubts about this one.

You mean "Elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere". Australia says hello, or g'day or something.

The World = North America and Eurasia.

I call your "fire embracing" American forest fires and raise you Australia's favourite accelerant ..... Eucalyptus oil...

As a Melburnian may I just say that we will fight them on the beaches (of the Murray) before we will ever agree to be included in 'Greater Sydney'!