Anyone have a clue on Carriers?
Anyone have a clue on Carriers?
WTF Marky Mark!!! Why do you keep screwing up adaptations? First Max and now Drake!!!
I've just finished with the first two levels and I've got to say this is one really really good game.
@djpaetkau: Thanks for the help man. I figured out last night that when your in the loading screen for Brotherhood you press Y and sync it with Project Legacy.
@PeterLorre: Wait I live in KC and I can't get anything this good for under 5.
Project Legacy is fun but I can't seem to get my Uplay account to tie in to my Facebook.
IT"S A FUCKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
So the handheld games don't include iPhone or Android?
This is one of the worst posts I've ever read on here.
@John-Hamptonshire: Yea me too. I don't get why they are sticking with Enzio. Is this like Assassin's Creed 2.5?
@Drakulakun: Yea Man. Get off your ass.
@Gameslaya: So you don't appreciate stories with depth?
@HobbitGamer: I'm with you man. I looked at it in terms of how lucky we are to have the freedom of playing these games.
@Skutarth: It would be pretty simple really. You can use an IP address and get with in 20 to 30 miles of someone's location.
I think it looks more like Utah. And everyone in Utah goes to bed at 9.
@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ: That brought me back.
Dam. That's a let down. I was really looking forward to playing this with my kids.
Finally. The voice sync in games has frustrated me for years. It's made some games nearly unplayable. An unnecessary distraction from the story-line.