My immediate reaction was: Thank god!!! The mythoclast was ruining PVP.
God I miss old Bungie. What the hell happened?
Would you fault WoW for constantly needing an internet connection? No? Then shut up. Destiny has a boatload of problems, being an online game isn't one of them.
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. On one hand giving them the attention they want sucks, because then they're getting exactly what they want. On the other hand people need to know that Bungie, Sony, Microsoft, or whomever aren't at fault for server outages. Otherwise the companies look bad,…
I went to a midnight release at an EB games recently (its gamestop, just the Canadian version, same company), and apparently platinum card holders have their own separate line at the release, which is total bull. They let all of the platinum card holders in first, regardless of what time they showed up. There were…
It's 100 crucible and vanguards marks a week actually.
So where's the review?
So where's the review already?
What? No they don't. There hasnt even been a mention of a second raid yet.
It's being made by fox, not marvel, don't hold your breath.
Where's the review?
Stop! Don't tell anyone or they'll patch it!!!
The weirdest glitche I've found so far is that sometimes the story is non existent. I've tried rebooting but I just can't seem to get the story to work. It's like I'll be playing a mission, but I'm given no good reason why it's important or why I should care. Help?
This is a ridiculously common mistake that I see perpetuated everywhere. Yes, you could wait until lvl 20 to decrypt all your engrams, if you want crap. The gear scales to your level, but the rarity of said gear does not. In order to get a higher chance of rare gear from engrams you need to up your cryptarch level, by…
You don't really beat a game like Destiny though. They've beaten Destiny in the same way that someone "beats" Diablo. Finishing the story content is one thing. Being geared enough to do high level raids and strikes is another.
That unfortunately doesn't work. The quality of gear decrypted is dependant on your cryptarch level. In order to up your level you need to decrypt stuff.
I'm underleveled for the content I'm doing and it's great. I haven't grinded, so I'm doing content 2 levels above me. Which doesn't sound so bad, except as far as I can tell, a lvl 10 does literally half as much damage to a lvl 12 as a lvl 12 would, and takes twice as much damage from enemies 2 lvls above on top of…