Another inner city agency story.
Another inner city agency story.
It's not really feasible to lock up everyone who "does the crime." The amount of men who commit rape is between 5-15%. And that's just for a single crime. We can't lock up that much of the population. And we really, really can't lock them up forever, so since most are going to be getting out of prison at some point,…
No one should send this guy hate-filled racist comments. No one. He is doing a great thing here and that picture is sweet as pie.
I wish this had spent a bit more time addressing the comments from other black people - namely, this one: "You probably can't handle a strong black woman." I don't mean to suggest that Doyin clearly *can't* handle a strong black woman, because that would require far more details about him than I have, and I generally…
On moral grounds I support these people because I really think you should be able to do whatever the hell you want once all parties involved are consenting, but can we please, please stop with the whole "X is the new Y" meme in social justice areas? The entire concept is directly antithetical to intersectional…
It would be very easy to blame her for picking up snake oil diet pills but no. I won't. I can't help but feel that the industry relies on that attitude to get away with shit. The people who buy into these diet pills and plans typically are fucking desperate to lose weight. It might be for health reasons, or some…
I had mixed feelings on this piece, mostly because I am one of those women who has had to change her entire perspective on life just to survive on the Internet. I've come up with the million little threads in one giant encompassing web that allow me to process and cope with the harassment I face every day. I work as a…
Thank you so much for legitimizing this problem. When the MRAs came after me a few years ago (I had never heard of an MRA or any of their world view) I was harassed and threatened to the point I moved. Like, I live in a different house now. The police took their reports, but it felt like I was complaining about an…
Here's my thing as a fat woman.
So. Women of color and queer women have been pointing out the problems with "feminism" since forever, and it's a white dude's decision to go with "genderist" that makes you decide to write an article on how it's ok to not identify that way? Women who eschew the label are routinely held up as punching bags for you…
I sort of know the friend who went with her (she's a friend-of-a-friend and I met her a couple times at parties). And while it probably isn't fair to judge after only a couple encounters with her, I can say, Katie, that your analysis is spot-on.
Nope. Y'all done effed up. Black feminists and other WOC feminists called this a long time ago. Nope. You don't get to sit there and write about your stages of grief. where the fuck were you guys when HS was attacking black feminists, having manipulative relationships with his students, teaching courses on feminism…
Do you guys ever, like, NOT fuck up when it comes to addressing issues concerning women of color? This piece is everything - and I mean EVERY MOTHERFUCKING THING - wrong with feminism as far as WOC are concerned. Black Twitter is going to drag this place for filth.
Yeah, well, if you had to constantly worry about being sexually assaulted (and blamed for it after the fact), work twice as hard for half the pay, carefully monitor your facial expressions to avoid offending any passersby with your failure to smile, always wonder if your gender was the reason you didn't get that…
Just the breasts sitting there? Not attached to anything?
oh my god
The annoying dogs are real dogs too, dude.
Wow. Thank you. Your use of the dictionary has suddenly swayed me. I see now that even though before my decision to act inclusively and accpetingly of the ways in which others express themselves was a naive and misguided (but admittedly cute!) failing of mine. I thought I was contributing to a social salve against the…
The fact no one else hast posted this makes me sad for you.