
Here’s the crux of the game in a nutshell. Each turn players get cards of certain colors based on their character’s skill set. For example, William Adama gets three Leadership (green) cards, and 2 Tactics (purple) cards.

He was one of the hired guns that Mike chased off while he was working for that drug dealing pharmaceutical guy.

You’re welcome, Internet.

Who do you think controls the government?

Don’t believe him! He’s with the government!

My issue is that they farmed out the port to a company with not the best reputation, and with most of the main staff leaving the project, I worry about how effective they’ll be working with Flying Tiger to correct the issues. Oh well, back to the PC version.

That’s okay, I still have it on PC, but I got a refund on the PS4 version until they patch it. I should have known it was going to be an issue when I heard that Flying Tiger was doing the port.

Don’t buy it for PS4. They’re still having save corruption issues.

Too bad its still completely fucking broken on both PS4 and Xbox One.

Apparently not anywhere that I’ve been reading. As for not being as funny as they used to be, I’m talking about them not being funny in over 25 years.

Uh... thats the reason that minigame was called hot coffee, because the reference predates the game by many years.

Perhaps, but they also have the reputation of not being funny.

Frankly I’m surprised that the writing staff of SNL was sophisticated enough to make that joke. It was probably the funniest part of the whole sketch.

Where can a brother go to score some yuge these days?

If you look at the first panel, Gabe is also sitting closer to the middle than Tycho who is sitting all the way on the right end of the bench. With Gabe leaning forward it also looks like he’s sitting further to the right than he actually is in the last panel.

...also, it’s a comic. Not a rocket launch.

Because Tycho is walking away from the bench. It could have been clearer, but that’s what they were going for.

A show about AI, huh. Man, that would be neat.

I had a love/hate relationship with Almost Human. For every good idea it had several very bad ones. Urban / Ealy carried that show, but even their talent and chemistry wasn’t enough to make me put up with stupid writing decisions like this:

God damn. This show was far better than it had any right to be, and CBS pissed it away. I’m going to raise your Lego related punishment to a hope that the CBS executives accidentally swallow that Lego, and have to pass it.