No you’re missing something - it’s that it’s nothing new AND they have voiced their opposition. Can you believe that they’d still continue DESPITE the MRC’s opposition?!
No you’re missing something - it’s that it’s nothing new AND they have voiced their opposition. Can you believe that they’d still continue DESPITE the MRC’s opposition?!
Yes THIS!!!! I was so impressed by this quest. First convincing everyone to let the ghouls stay and I did what seemed to be the right thing and it turned out terribly! I was so impressed by this quest. It was wonderful to have a choice with real unintended consequences. I killed the ghoul leader in anger when I saw…
I always liked the Tenpenny Tower quest because... um, spoilers for a 7 year old game?
You can go with the “good” option and help the poor ghouls move in with the misguided but prejudiced humans. Everyone learns their lesson, warm hugs and back pats all around, the Kid from Vault 101 goes on their merry way...
But come…
I don’t feel bad for the leakers — if you’re gonna leak something, at least do it through Kotaku so we can protect your identity! — but it’s terrifying that Microsoft can just hit a button and turn a $350 machine into a brick.
Your Xbox One has been disabled due to suspected violation of the terms of our non-disclosure agreement. We have also broken your microwave, somehow. You and your whole family will now enter the Party Compliance Submission Position, and our armed Compliance Administrators will be along shortly.
“I’ll reach up and grab your waste and pull you into my face.”
“All-digital is the future! Anyone who has concerns over an always-online system and DRM policies that curb consumer rights is obviously an ignorant Luddite.”
The line for crow stew forms over there.
I fucking love the idea of using Socratic Questioning in the style of cognitive-behavior therapy in sexting. I’m just gonna ask you questions until you reach the conclusion I’d like you to reach; it’s much more salient if you’re able to get there on your own.
Mr. Dr. Yoga Nerd MD got really drunk with his friends in like the first month we were dating and texted me something like “I wanna fuck you in high heel black boots”
I think Hunnam’s character is in cahoots with them, from the nodding at the funeral scene.
Are food bloggers supposed to announce themselves before they show up? Why would you announce yourself?
They obviously didn’t think that the critic was objective enough in his reviews and injected too much of his own opinion.
This man is smart. This is a very smart man who is very good at thinking.
Yes, what is this world coming to when employees can refuse service to customers simply based on their own religious beliefs? I’m assuming, of course, that next he’s going to go after the pharmacists and pharmacy techs who refuse to supply customers with birth control and Plan B. Right? Riiiiight?
If it’s something that’s stated in advance, is a 100% optional course, and you don’t get a D for not having DD’s, I don’t really see the issue with it. There’s nothing inherently scandalous or sexual about being nude in front of a stranger (e.g. art models), and while college has pretty much become a diploma mill for…
Lakes are well known for attacking unsuspecting people, who are just driving around, minding their own business. You don’t have that kind of problem with ponds or rivers so much, but, damn, those lakes’ll get ya.