
Haha, yeah that and unchecked police brutality, which the right also loves. 

God, there’s nothing like republicans whining about unity and solidarity, as they ram through policies that are explicitly bad for a majority of the population, enable incredible levels of grift and corruption, dismantle the checks and balances that makes democracy possible, actively and knowingly spin lies and stoke

When Canada sends its pigs, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending pigs that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re invasive, they’re feral, and some, I assume, are good pigs.

though maybe if I drank the whole bottle he’d be more tolerable.

I feel the same. Seems like the best way to commemorate 9/11 would be to carry on with all of life’s little joys and pleasures. Certainly, the terrorists who did it would be thrilled to know they created a day where everyone feels a social pressure to be sad and serious, and things like birthdays seem “inappropriate”.

If the father doesn’t want his daughter using his credit card, that’s between him and her. He gets the statements, he can refute the charges and pursue federal charges (eyeroll) against his own daughter if he wants to. It has nothing to do with you, or the nosy asshole who decided to insert herself into some strange

I broke my addiction to it a few months ago, and the relief was intense.

I know you can take just about any story about crime and flip the races around and show how ridiculously easy white people get off. But this story in particular really lends itself to it.

People should be living together, having sex (or not having sex if that’s their preference) regularly, and sharing a bank account for mutual expenses before they even think about getting married. 

they treat their fellow Americans like dirt.”

Cybertronic Spree is RAD.

“A criminal is a criminal, we know better than most that criminals come in all colors, shapes and sizes,”

Written at the same time that slavery was legal, women were property, and a black-powder musket was the deadliest personal weapon available.

Republicans keep saying it’s mental illness. So, ok, what are you doing to help people with mental illness, then? Are you expanding access to counselling? Supporting families dealing with mental illness? Creating new programs and resources to help people with mental illness cope so that they can lead productive lives?

So, because other people are callous towards humans, you don’t give a fuck about animal abuse?

Hmm, yeah, one shooter who aligned with random commenters on the internet and one shooter who aligned with the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and his whole fucked-up administration. Definitely the same thing.

Desperation and inexperience can combine to cause you to make some really, really bad decisions. This situation is hard for me to relate to now, but I probably would have fallen for something like it at the start of my career. Especially after my first stint of unemployment when I was starting to get scared that I’d

Remember, when rich people lie, cheat and steal, it’s called being smart and resourceful. 

Yeah, or the bartender could be trained properly in distinguishing between fake and real IDs, and then they don’t have to rely on their “spider sense”.

Magnificent strawman you have there.