
“Our kids follow their example, and this is the example they set?”

Seriously. That comment just kept going, and going, and going...

I would take that job and then basically collect their money doing as bad a job as possible without getting fired, for as long as possible.

Holy shit. I was ignoring this kid because he’s a kid, he doesn’t need to be raked over the coals for shitty political opinions, and also he did survive the shooting and is entitled to his feelings and opinions on the issue. But you’re right, he is actually bragging about how connected he is now thanks to the

The dev sounds like the triggered one, honestly.

Wow, so edgy.

Me too, amazing aesthetic, especially combined with the weird distorted voices.

“Feelings = Facts” has been core to the Republican ideology for some time now.

Oh, I have no doubt that a big part of the appeal, in conservative minds, is that it makes sex workers’ lives as hard and as dangerous as possible. Their logic being that it helps dissuade anyone from voluntarily choosing to enter the profession, and that anyone who does so deserves whatever they get.

Planned Parenthood provides actual medical advice, and tries to help each woman make the decision that she feels is best. That includes the option of following through with a pregnancy, in which case Planned Parenthood continues to support that woman and her family with ongoing health services.

That’s the first thing I thought, too. Maybe there’s more to that situation, but in the context of the trailer it just seems spectacularly dumb. Makes me wonder if the rest of the movie is full of similarly ridiculous moments.

Got to try a bidet after staying in an AirBnB in Italy that was equipped with one, and i am 100 percent sold on them. Just a little bit of tp after to dry off, and it felt so much cleaner than standard wiping.

Yeah, same here. It’s like a mental block, I can’t make myself figure out building while I’m focused on shooting and trying not to get shot. I watch skilled players get into battles where sprawling structures just unfold around them and I’m mystified. That said, I think it’s pretty easy to rank fairly highly,

Yeah, it’s definitely super personal for everyone, both physically and psychologically. The eating one big meal is interesting...I don’t know much about IF, I should read up on it. For a long time I tried to stick to the advice that you should snack regularly throughout the day to keep your appetite in check, but for

For me it’s actually the opposite, I have a really hard time at work. I like to get out of the office at lunch and on breaks, but then there’s the constant temptation of coffeeshops and fast food joints. If work is particularly boring or stressful on a given day, I catch myself giving in and grabbing burgers or

The Daily News reports that no charges have been filed against the officers, and that they’re all still employed by the NYPD.

Cool, cool. So, did everyone who knew what Weinstein was doing and either looked the other way, covered it up or actively participated ALSO have bad moms? Can we just blame everyone’s mothers? That would be super convenient.

If you’re a big survival horror fan, and you’re willing to put up with some rough edges and REALLY bad writing, then I’d recommend the first. I found it mostly enjoyable. But I’d also say you aren’t necessarily missing out on much if you just read a wiki to get up to speed on the story and dive straight into this one.

I recently played both Evil Within games back-to-back, after picking them up on sale on Steam.

I’m guessing because they don’t need to give enough of a fuck to put any work into tidying it up. They can dump it as-is, risk zero investment in any sort of improvements, and rake in the cash from people who will mash the buy button the moment they see “Chrono Trigger”.