
I agree. The techy armor is extremely generic.

Members of our profession are held to a higher standard

First three quarters or so is amazing. Towards the end, I started to find the fights tedious. I prefer fights with a few decisive attacks/maneuvers, versus martial arts fights where two guys deliver 1000 bone-crushing blows but just keep getting up and going at it.

It’s never actually about the troops, or the the flag, or the bible, or unborn children, or freedom, or whatever else. These are all just smokescreens that conservative thugs deploy to justify their racism, fascism, misogyny, greed and plain old cruelty. When you want to treat actual, living and breathing humans like

Well, “good cops”? We’re all waiting.

So they’ve created this confusing system of multiple currencies and chest types, but apparently none of it actually offers any advantage and isn’t worth engaging with. So what’s the point? Why spend the time, effort and development resources implementing a system there’s no incentive to use? It seems like now it’s

Sending “thoughts and prayers”: when you want to look like you’re doing something without doing anything!

Remember how you people like to screech about the constitution? Maybe some of you should read it some time. If you don’t understand some of the bigger words or more complex sentences, get someone to explain it to you.

Fascists love elevating their nationalist symbols above actual human lives.

My reaction to this dude: 

Grey-haired, cigar-chomping grandma demowoman? YES.

Republicans love worshiping symbols like flags and anthems, because it’s a lot easier than actually giving a shit about your fellow citizens and living up to the ideals those symbols are supposed to represent.

“Thoughts and prayers”: when you want to feel like you’re doing something, without doing anything!

And later those cops will testify on the officer’s behalf and make excuses for why he shouldn’t face any consequences. Or, at the very least, they’ll keep their mouths shut and refuse to criticize out of “solidarity”.

When Antifa has members and supporters throughout the police, judiciary, and at all levels of local and federal government - including the white house - THEN I’ll consider them as serious a problem as neo-nazis.

I don’t think dressing nicely correlates to being considerate, even though both fall into the broad category of “caring what other people think”. In fact, I think the opposite argument can be made. Caring a lot about superficial appearance for it’s own sake primes a mindset where you feel comfortable making all kinds

I keep hearing people theorize that Arya actually knows Littlefinger is up to something and is pretending to play along. I don’t think that’s the case at all. I think Arya’s been kicking asses, taking faces and crossing names off her list for awhile now. She’s due for some kind of comeuppance. And although she’s a

The insecurity of some dudes when it comes to their proficiency in bed is truly, truly mind boggling. His wife brings him something that excites her and could make sex a lot more fun for her, and he has a panic attack because it doesn’t revolve around him? The prospect of actually learning about her anatomy and how it

In other words, this game is so tedious and boring to actually play that I might want to spend money on top of the purchase price to avoid playing it? Pass.

And to the horror of the Fox News viewer, he realized the fake news WAS INSIDE THE HOUSE ALL ALONG!!!