
I feel like the only direction you could go would be to write and air skits where everything is normal and not absurd. Then everyone laughs and laughs, because the laughing is the only thing holding in the screaming...

Finally picked this up last week. It’s been on my list forever. So glad I grabbed it...I’m in the perfect mood for this kind of puzzle solving right now, and I find the game world itself so gorgeous and engaging. Sometimes I just walk around wishing I could be sitting on the ramparts of a stone fort overlooking a

Okay, this cracked me up. Every time he tries to do his backflip thing and just ragdolls on the landing. So good.

Speaking as a male who used to be a teenager, porn DID create some confusion and unrealistic expectations in me. But the only reason those ideas were able to take root is because I had no real-life sources of good, accurate, healthy information about sex. High-school sex-ed was an awkward joke of an anatomy lesson,

Guys like Tom should be punched in the balls on a daily basis.

Seriously. “He’s evil” someone says “but I didn’t report him to the police or anything because...”

I wonder how many of these weird dudes are like

Jesus would be so proud of their passive-aggressive use of the phrase.

Society needs a lot of things. Bros who can sharpen knives, shoot guns and rappel down buildings without proper climbing gear aren’t anywhere near the top of the list.

The next season of AHS is “American Horror Story: American Horror Story Is Cancelled Because Real Life Has Become A Horror Story We Could Never Top”.

Just wait until Trump is on his way out.

Sounds like something a triple-reverse false flagger would say!

They’re always opposed to increased government reach and power...until they’re the ones in charge. Then they’re all for unlimited government reach and power. For everyone’s protection, of course.

And no one ever talks about the trickle up benefits. If minimum wage goes up, then those minimum wage earners have more purchasing power. The cost of a burger goes up 50 cents, but they’re earning a couple more bucks per hour, so it works out in their favor. And they have more money to spend on other things as well,

Sounds more like an app for hooking up with naughty catholics in your area and sinning together.

Why not play the first one? You can probably get it dirt cheap these days. It’s a brilliant game, but if you don’t like it then you’ll know you don’t need to bother with this one. If you do like it, then by the time you get around to this one there’ll probably be a GOTY fully-patched all-DLC version available.

It’s great that you have the luxury of deciding to just not care about political coverage and current events right now. Lots of people don’t have that luxury, because Trump’s election is literally a threat to their safety and well-being. Lots of people more vulnerable

You don’t wanna see the “sexy” version of this.

My guess is that the relationships are dysfunctional well before the wedding, but one or both believe that getting married will somehow magically fix their problems. They get married, realize that everything is still exactly the same (or worse), and split.