
I didn't think Inception was trying to be particularly complicated. It was a pretty straightforward heist movie in an exotic location - someone's mind. There were some weird rules around how the dream world worked, but I didn't think it was that hard to grasp.

That's seriously awesome.

I can see what they were going for, and it was almost awesome. The transitions between frames were too abrupt for most of the film, though, and didn't really create a sense of continuous motion.

The video isn't so great, but the audio is awesome. I love and totally agree with Fry's message.

I can't remember the last non-Steam PC game I bought. Battlefield 2 maybe.

The father's gonna have a hard time protecting his daughter from naughty text messages from the discomfort of his prison cell.

Keep it away from the rest of your electronics, lest it absorb and integrate them into itself, augmenting it's own power.

Interesting read. Eden is a spectacular jackass, but I really have to wonder how much of his idiocy is genuine and how much is calculated.

Pretty sweet deal, but like others here I would also be willing to pay for it in order to cut out the ads.

When it comes to gun-toting bears, you're always better safe than sorry.

The more I hear about this DLC, the more I like it.

The pope's just mad cause confusing people about what is reality and what is fantasy is supposed to be /religion's/ job!

I don't have a problem with people using these apps, and enjoying the images they create with them. I like to play around with them too, and they allow for some interesting effects I just plain wouldn't be able to mimic with my DSLR.