@silverserver: Bahahaah +100 internets, and one heart click to you good sir!
@silverserver: Bahahaah +100 internets, and one heart click to you good sir!
@fwa2500: Hmmm, I stand corrected. Still, I would rather watch Air Force One.
My question is why is this guy watching the weather channel. I would be watching Air Force One or something equally awesome.
@Googlo The Otaku Ninja: hahaha gotta love Office Space
@adampdx09: No problem, keep up the good comments, you will have a star in no time.
@HK-47: I'm with ya, love these pictures.
@adampdx09: Don't forget the #corrections
Incredible Button.
@bebedamour: secrets good sir, without them, everyone would have 3 stars, and thats just not acceptable.
@echo off: Hasnt anyone here seen TopGear? its obviously fastest by boat. right...right?
@elementary: Are you blind, Do you even know what one can do with that many points????!!11
@treehouser: Well Treehouser, you have obviously not been to highschool. I'm a senior, and through my 3 and change years, I have heard girls call each other "fat bitches" (direct quote) and the like more than I care to say. While I agree that not everyone is that ignorant, i.e. you, and a bunch girls I know. It…
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkŋëŋ∞: I think this one is the best 3D image, Thanks :)
@Markarian: Actually I have a turntable set up right next to me, Its hooked up to my computer speakers. Its great too, I found all my parents old albums, some clash, Jimi, Marley, a shit ton of reggae, pink Floyd, the stones and tons more. Everything sounds better on vinyl.
@C3PA: rest in peace you brave little solider! we at home salute you with the robot dance
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkŋëŋ∞: Do you have a larger image? cause i donned my 3d glasses and i cant really see if its 3d or not
Random observation: When I voted the percentages read exactly 66.66% for live, and 33.34% for die, pretty crazy odds that its exactly 2/3. Also, on a slightly more related note; I would love to have this phone/psp, I generally hate playing (most) games on touchscreen phones. I believe that while expanding options for…
This brings up a worrying problem, drinking and flying, potentially more dangerous, just imagine a 2000 pound vehicle falling from the sky into your roof.