
My son-in-law is rebuilding my office for me, so I've ordered both ferric and white-board paint, and after Christmas we will be painting part of a wall first with the ferric then enough coats of the whiteboard paint to make a built-in magneto-whiteboard wall.

Perfect storm

I am not a big fan of keeping journals or bookmarks on the net. However, requiring portability, I use a portable bookmark handler, TrayURL, and leave them on my usb key. Writes immediately and directly to a text file on the USB key; nothing written to the hard drive, nothing stored in memory.

Unfortunately, newspapers are printed 1) to be cheap, and 2) for immediacy. Therefore the paper does not hold up well.

I don't know, but it is strangely a propos that History Hackers comes just before the Obama - McCain first Presidential Debate, especially when the topic is the U.S. relationship with the world.

I've considered and rejected number 10) pay bills automatically.

VOTE: Locknote

Drought-planting (i.e. letting grass get longer in between mowing, mixing with clover, creating rock gardens, etc) whould also be considered before any watering scheme. The question I ask myself is, "if I cannot rain-barrel water it, should I have it in my yard?"

Vote: Dane-Elec zPen Digital Pen

There will be initial unhappiness at transparency, anger, and demands for fairness. It is exactly this unhappiness and anger that will lead to change.

In unionized shops, it is transparent, and the benefits are clear: Everyone knows what is required to get advancement, and it is more difficult to have favouritism.

40 years ago my father always had masking tape around the top of his workshop pencil, I travel with both masking tape and duct tape—sometimes electrical tape.

Keep other Gawker pieces. They remind me to check there occasionally.

And when I was your age, we had to <grin> and <smile>, no avatars and emoticons for us.....

What is "lifechanging"? To me, it is where you get a perspective on life that _you did not have before_. A few books have certainly done it for me, though I have to acknowledge that it often was the Aha!, followed by much other study, reading, and for that my list is long.

I like water, as long as it is not the only choice. I get through the day with varieties of water; tap water with a wedge of lemon or lime, water with a few crystals of Splenda, as well as coffee, tea, and fruit nectars. On the fruit nectar note, the local grocery sells Italian nectars by the 700ml bottle or a

Most downloads in a day?? Wonder what stressors on which part of the net will occur. I'll make sure I have some non-internet-based work to do tomorrow, just in case.

What will it take to force our north american politicians to invest in better public transportation?

It would be nice to see the dimensions of such a thing.