
It’s the team’s fault for scheduling mandatory workouts after the regular season is over. That’s when Mets players go golfing.

You leave Emily Waltham alone. She got dragged into Ross’ insanity and is guilty of nothing more than taking a chance on someone she knew little about (and over-spontaneity is very specifically NOT one of her character flaws in general). She had no way of knowing he was an emotionally unavailable jerk.

I love that this is the most starred comment in this thread by a mile.

One source said the procedure Pierre-Paul had done Sept. 4 to “close up” his middle finger was still fresh when he met with team doctors on Sept. 7.

Well at least the Steelers have one person good at kicking.

It was a mutual freeze out, but it's nice to know that as we head in to another season, you're still milking every opportunity to fellate Mourinho and crap on Wenger. Keep doing what you do.

Newsflash: Everything you eat is a “genetically modified organism” of some form or another. We can argue semantics about how it is genetically modified, but it doesnt really matter. Anti-GMO fear mongerers are no different to me than anti-vaxxers; youre both laughably and dangerously science illiterate.

Funny, mine’s called a Princess Plug.

I watched them whenever I could. The problem was they put GLOW on at 2 or 3 in the morning, so I couldn’t always catch the show. Man, I do miss that show, though.

Yes, the flood of hockey coverage has been keeping soccer down all these years. Just an insatiable appetite for hockey that overshadows soccer.

No he wouldn't have. Would've never been in position since he couldn't keep up physically anymore.

[created a burner just to tell this story so please kind people, pull me out of the grays!]

Having been divorced, all my sex is post-marital, and therefore condoned by the Lord.

Nah, I don’t think that disqualifies it at all! Plus, your wife and you sound like my husband and I, especially in the context of such shitshows.

The simplicity of this is a sight to behold.

Okay, this isn’t a hook up, but a story of a guy who wanted to hook up with me at a wedding (so typical, cause I was a bridesmaid). So, it’s the reception time and I’m dancing my ass off. This cute guy starts dancing around me, and then he says the best pick up line I’ve ever heard: “I can’t dance, but I sure can

I just realized I have never attended a wedding as a single person - even when I’ve gone solo, I’ve had a significant other.

One of the biggest reasons I’ve stopped watching YouTube personalities. Ugh.

“Ball 4”

Not a strap-on, but we’re hoping to order one next week. I always thought they were like 100-150 bucks, but you can get an inexpensive starter harness for ~50, apparently.