
Wasn't there a TV miniseries of The Stand that was shown during the 90s? It had Gary Sinise in it, and I think even Stephen King was involved in the production.

But where's the drama?

I was actually hoping for a movie about the dog fighting solo against the vampires.

Finally! This show won't be the same without Cooper. A surprise recurring appearance by Toby Jones would be excellent. And more Howling Commandos, please...

I still don't understand why they have to remake it, as the original UK series was brilliant, with an awesome cast and a unique visual look all its own, with bright, saturated colors and lovely-framed scenes that echo some Wes Anderson movie but with a hint of menace in the air. I certainly hope that he doesn't copy

Now I'm torn more than ever on which one to buy....big screen XL is always better, but with small n3DS and its mix & match faceplates, you can create your own Special Editions—even better, the faceplate designs seem to wrap to the sides. I've even seen transparent faceplates... what to do, what to buy?

That was brilliant in both design and execution...and now I'm craving for some ice cream, dammit.

All the more impressive...because I can't draw for the life of me. T_T

That is quite awesome indeed. Might I ask what medium or software did you use?

Was always curious about the absence of technology in The Walking Dead; were there ever scenes where PCs, laptops or cellphones were shown lying around abandoned homes the characters usually enter? What year did the zombie apocalypse take place in the show?

LOL, everyone in FFIX would remain the same.

True; it was a significant upgrade from the original Gameboy Advance with its dark screen. And not only that, the GBA-SP's formfactor and clamshell design were brilliant, making it one of the best handheld designs ever.

I have the same dilemma—the small N3DS with Skittles buttons and changeable faceplates, or the XL with bigger screen and glossy outside surface? The faceplates look so tempting and have the potential for true awesomeness—just take a look at those suede-covered faceplates for the Kyogre & Groudon Limited Editions.

"It was really weird to see the difference between the pilot and [episode] 201 — Skye is just completely different. She was this hippie, living in her van, against S.H.I.E.L.D. and everything it stands for, and then she's just a full-blown S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, dropping from the ceiling."

Carter was Gordon, Fusco is more like Harvey Bullock, Root is definitely Batgirl/Oracle, and Bear is Bat-Hound.

The secret communications network involved old TV antennas, not satellite dishes—this was what made it so enticing to Finch, because it relied on obsolete technology, something that would be beyond Samaritan's gaze.

Thank you, Brian, for making me spurt out my coffee all over my desk, LOLOLOLOL

Would like to help more greys out of the pending zone and bring their opinions or reactions into the discussion, which should always be the case. For me, personal attacks or direct insults targeted at posters just for stating their opinion should remain pending indefinitely.

Something that bothered me all these years...if Pallet Town only has homes for the Ketchums, the Oaks, and the laboratory for the Professor, who are those other persons standing around outside making small talk?

Weren't the reservations for the suede-covered *new* 3DS Limited Editions (Kyogre & Groudon) also on that day? You could see a poster of it in 595joltik's photo. That could also account for most of the line.