
Cool design. Looks somewhat dangerous, but the visual motif is awesome.

This game series badly needs a New Game+ option where the Pokedex and corresponding Pokemon that you encounter can be easily seen again when you go back to that spot. Of course, an exception could be done with Legendaries.

If Leon is here, then Ada Wong isn't that far away...ah, one can only hope.

I asked a Filipino pal about this, and she said no one uses "Ramos" as a first name in the Philippines, as it is most commonly used as a last name. Considering that Japanese say names "lastname firstname" like "Ashcraft, Brian", his name is most probably "Angelo Miguel Ramos."

High Spirits was cheesy crap—but the music by George Fenton was pure awesomeness.

There's part of the answer right there—the pic of that fucktard Snow.

And Dean Pelton of "Community" gets nominated for an Oscar! Well, it's actually Jim Rash, who co-wrote the adaptation of "The Descendants". But congratulations just the same for this well-deserved nomination.

That Diglett image will give me nightmares. x_x

Vampires have also fought with other Marvel superheroes, not just mutants. The best written arc started with Dracula vs. the X-Men, which led into Dracula's appearances in Defenders, then Thor, and led to the Darkhold arc that culminated in Dr. Strange, where he used the book to destroy all of Earth's vampires—they

You should mention the toilets in Fallout 3, where you can drink the irradiated water from them.

Alias hit its peak with its brilliant 2nd season, then subsequently imploded, starting with that terrible final 5 minutes of the 2nd season finale.

To update everyone on their status:

After the recent Mission:Impossible - Ghost Protocol, then Avengers this summer, then The Bourne Legacy in August, Jeremy Renner might risk being overexposed, so I guess moving Hansel & Gretel away from those other releases does make sense.

That list is old, yet it doesn't include Gerry Anderson's "UFO" which was way ahead of its time—the vehicles, the look, and that awesome theme song.

"Simonson recalled that the last time he drew the X-Men was the unimpeachably groovy 1982 Uncanny X-Men Meet The New Teen Titans crossover"

It's sad that the classic Infocom text adventures were all lumped together into a single entry at #50, as some of them deserve to be in the top 10. A Mind Forever Voyaging, Planetfall, and Trinity alone could trounce some of the titles that were ranked higher.

You forgot UFO. There would be no Space: 1999 were it not for UFO, and it should be filmed with the same groovy 1960's vibe.

If The Walking Dead brings in Michonne or Abraham from the comics, I hope Shane becomes toast.