@Chuck: Angel's annoying emo kid is named "Connor," not "Conner." It's almost the same though, because he's as irritating as this Superboy.
@Chuck: Angel's annoying emo kid is named "Connor," not "Conner." It's almost the same though, because he's as irritating as this Superboy.
um, no thanks.
I'm sorry, but I still prefer to play games where my hands aren't covering part of the screen. Screw the future.
I'm sorry, but I still prefer to play games where my hands aren't covering part of the screen. Screw the future.
I'm sorry, but I still prefer to play games where my hands aren't covering part of screen. Screw the future.
@Extra_Life: "It is as though these news companies are actually completely unaware of the side of gaming (the better side) that sadly spawned this mess of casual games that only really please the share holders and suits out to make a buck/quid/euro."
Dear God.
This is clearly some kind of damage control to stave off the negative image he has from that upcoming movie. We should just leave him alone, 'cause every comment placed here just adds more attention to his "Look at me, I"m normal like the rest of you" role-playing.
@The Squid: Agreed. It would've been much better if he gave a heartfelt, personal apology days after the incident, but that's showbiz for you.
Ingenious. Now if I can only force my lazy self to do the occasional dusting...
I remember the C64 well—I wanted one badly, but it was too late; I already had an Atari 800.