
You seem to be confused as to who you are responding to. Also, you seem confused on the function of your caps lock key.

I would love to do just that. Sadly, my job is far less glamorous.

Are you judging him there? That looks very judgey. I hear Jesus didn't like that.

I'm sure their focus was to save less than 1 percent of their total salary. It was totally worth spending a future resource on this.

His replacement ranked 18th.

Yeah, but he was more or less a middle of the pack punter if you look at the ESPN rankings for punters year over year. The replacement fell a rank over where he was, and of the main punters of 2012 for each team, maybe 5 didn't start the next season and only 2 don't have jobs, many of whom are older and performed

Ah, but why draft someone at all unless you were planning TO replace him? As he points out, rarely is a punter drafted who isn't intended to start.

You'd give a dwarf star a run for its money. Or is that not OK because people might think I was saying you are a celestial body?

Now, can I convert all this stored currency into an Xbone? If not, I've got a crapton of currency that isn't of much use to me.

Actually, many players did play all through August, in the preaseason. And Cousins wasn't that impressive there, either. People are just being ridiculous.

Good question - they don't let anyone sign up with any permutation of that name. So once is taken no variation, no matter how many dots are put in, is allowed.

I'm late to the game, but the fifth book wasn't even out when he was cast. Was he supposed to time travel? The role be recast?