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Eric the Actor died Saturday. Wack-Packers come and go but this one was tough. He was 39, a lifelong A's and 49ers fan as well as a huge fan of wrestling and American Idol. Eric is likely flying with balloons cursing at others in Heaven right now. Eric will be greatly missed.

Bironas hit the upright one time too many

'Looks good to me'

'Hey Ahmad! Those fries aren't going to cook themselves!'

I think Jonathan burnt Sienna

Looks like Cheryl's a perfect '10' sheets to the wind.

Looking at it, his elbow looks pretty knarly

Though similar in appearance the face she is making is post-donkey punch, not shocker. Carry on...

Rutgers is also cherished for their flock of Nappy Headed Ho's. Advantage: Push

Dexter Manley CAN'T read this.

He must have been at the Preakness

Lotsa balls in the face tonight.

The Pac-12 has a network?

Meh, if my local team of choice is losing there is always Pornhub

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For some reason this song is playing in the media room as reporters await the Washington presser

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It all goes back to this instructional video all the MLB umpires must watch prior to the season starting.

Bo knows Pink Slips

Ok listen, there's this guy who messaged my girlfriend on facebook saying he would pay 5k for her to send either naked pics or videos of of John Candy("Sex would never be a requirement").

Situation occurred when McDonald accused his fiance Wendy of getting some unnecessary In-N-Out.