
I run a rental car branch in the town I live in. I can punt a football 41 yards. I hate my job to the point that I hope I get in a wreck on the way there so I don't have to go anymore. Can I be helped? Thanks in advance!

Mrs Garrett from The Facts of Life

Episode One: Guess where Daryl's Fingers have been?

Ok I watch 'The Voice' on NBC with my wife. Cee Lo Green creeps me the fuck out. That is all.

See, typical Cub Fan frustration.


I thought by moving two time zones away I could rid myself of this. I am hmstrung about it.

I am going to use that line next week when I get roped in to another one of these. I will give you ALL of the credit.

Thankfully it's generally warm here year round, but there is a festival of some sort every bleepin' weekend. One day the goat will have his day.

We have a girl coming end of January. Congrats on the boy. If you want to be incognito with the name and stay under the radar I'd go with Sarunas.

The other thing is are these animals happy in any way, shape, or form? I'm guessing they are looking to get inside a building, get to the top floor, and jump.

Suddenly feels the freedom that comes when I realize I'm not the only one.

ParentalDUAN. Took the family to the local 'Harvest Fest' here in town today. The Pros: 77 degrees, free food, free kids games, 77 degrees. The Con: Petting Zoo. Every festival has the goddamned zoo with the ducks that don't want to be touched, the goat that shits on the neighbor's kid, and don't forget about the

Philly's gonna put up 28 at least. The over is solid in this one

Detroit is a good play but the over 52.5 is like taking candy from a baby. Detroit can't stop anybody. The over was my largest play ($$) this week. So I'll add Bears under and Hou+3. I'll do it on a higher paying parlay card so I really strike it rich.

The Bears/Lions over could be set at 60 and I'd bet it over. Easiest play this week. Thoughts?

Friday Funday! DUAN. Weekly NFL picks doomed to lose. I love The Giants/Oakland over 43.5. I love the Rams +9.5 vs the Colts. I love the Falcons +4.5 vs Seattle. Therefore I will go the window tomorrow with the opposite. I will play under, Colts, and Seahawks. Who are your locks? Let me know and watch me win! We hit

No change here. Gray as ever. :(

It's amazing how much I enjoy the results. I went 3-5 yesterday in my single plays. There's always next week. Thanks for playing along!!

Watch the Texans fire him after they lose tonight.