
I thought 'Shit He Got Fat' was the new Tony Gwynn show?

Nah, everything should be just fine.

Yes, infurrating.

Two things that I can take away from watching the VMA's tonight. One is that Justin Timberlake is all right. I don't necessarily love his music, and I don't, but he has managed to not only stay relevant for 10+ years which is something but he has also managed to not take himself too seriously. He is funny and self

More like Chavez 'Reverse' tonight.

Games would turn ugly when the dreaded 'Draw Two' card was unleashed.

I think it was bigger picture than just today's game. Remember, C.J. DOES play for Buffalo for the love of God.

This is a joke right? Like Ha-Ha the joke's on me?

Puig (5 minutes later): Yo no respeto a un hombre que no le quite las patillas de honorable señor Burns,

Great, just what we needed. More White People Problems. I hate Vancouver.

Beat me to it. So here's a picture for your entertainment.

Dude it's the same guy at :55, 1:15, etc. don't they have any other bl..oh wait.

It's such a mess at both of the stations.

Warsaw, 1993. I was there. Hygiene wasn't.

And now..they are the assistant mgr at the West Bumblefuck Tire Authority.

Slovenly. Not a country in Eastern Europe as I had previously thought. Thank You Pac-10 Education.

Dare I say it was almost as fun as the Commenter tourney, in which I dive-bombed my way out of in round one.

How that guy has a show is beyond me. Beetlejuice speaks better English than him.