Kickstarter, this Fonz is for you. (He says, making a reference that only about 5% of readers will get.)
Kickstarter, this Fonz is for you. (He says, making a reference that only about 5% of readers will get.)
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Playable dinobots or GTFO.
Exactly. They are answering questions like these from OTHER SHAREHOLDER who have just as much at stake as this guy. You're missing a key part of Nintendo's response: "and we will continue to respond to questions from other shareholders regarding the kinds of entertainment we are challenging ourselves to offer. "
I just got this a few days ago, it's SO GOOD.
I certainty hope so! It's important to me that a company I trust for such an essential safety function be engaged with the user experience from the bottom to the top of the corporate structure. I wouldn't want to put my dick in the wrong hands! (deadpan)
Something about these designs make me wonder if we'll ever get a Palladium: Rifts game.
When you don't pay an employee for work that's already happened, you are actually stealing hours away from their lives. This is something that only pure scum do. I will never accept it as okay, nomatter how common it is in the game industry.
Opera scene, FF3.
Yes, I said III. Because I played it on US SNES, and I'm trolling people who are offended by not calling it 6. Even though I'm announcing that I'm trolling, I'm sure someone's gonna chime in with the correction.
Where are you getting me being upset from? I'm not upset at all, I think it's a funny trolling and posted my funny troll video in celebration. Go bug someone else, man. There's plenty of other people taking this too seriously that you can play with. I'm not that guy.
How was it NOT a troll?
That trailer is kind of brilliant.
Troll article is obvious troll. Must respond in traditional manner.
Hooray! Here's some evidence of Keith Moon's wizardry.
Just post a picture of your flooded apartment for this week's contest?
I actually play console and PC both - I go where the good software is. So I'm not really judging you so much as having a bit of fun playing into the PC Master Race stereotype. I totally support fun. I personally enjoy kbm when I want to relax playing a game - RPG, mmo, strategy. But fighting games, racing games,…
"What I hate is the inferior control scheme (KB/m) that devs force on people when one of the major benefits to PC gaming is supposed to be choice."
But you do have a choice. You can go buy a baby controller if you want, hook it to your computer, and map mouse controls to it. Even games not designed for mice can be…