
Hah, we totally went in the same direction.

Megatron. Wait, no. That's taken.

It's well made, though!

Not so much a mashup as Smash Bros done in the AoT style. Good, but I hit play kinda hoping to see Link and Megaman taking down some mouth breathing titan scum.

Great job gang!

It's a farce. It's allowed to stretch reality to make the funny.

Here's other things that don't make sense:

The stars. The stars are the votes. Go back to the original contest and see what a landslide this won by. We would have RIOTED if he didn't win.

You getting the joke and the joke being funny are not directly related. In this case, the winner won the votes by a landslide. Are you saying Owen should have overruled the voting public?

Jesus dude. Allow yourself some joy in this life. Do you go to the mall during the holidays to pull the fake beards off of santa clause?

Didn't you watch the video? Rock not noticing this is basically the entire premise.

We are going to reaction-gif the f*** outta this.

The Festering Isle. You could do quests. Festering Quests.

(Facepalm) I didn't even notice the link to Selects, and was also assuming that Selects was generated by metrics as opposed to being hand curated. Thanks! I knew I was missing something obvious.

I don't understand the "best of Kotaku" posts. They usually highlight something that wasn't posted during the week. How does this work? I always click these then leave going WTF?

This wonderful reaction gif is going in my collection. Thanks sir.

Now playing

I remember when I decided that I didn't want to buy and X-Box One because of their stupid and creepy voice and room imaging garbage. This validates my hate.

The legal system doesn't use the dictionary to define this.

I do HR intervention for a living. Trust me on this one. It's harassment.

Sorry Blizzard. You won't get $60 from me to get the game that the first release should have been.

What a mismanaged project.

This is a valid point. However, statistics DO show that incidents of sexual harrassment occur in a higher per-capita volume in industries that have inequality in male to female staffing numbers. Countless studies have proven the correlation. That said, I agree with everything in your post aside from the word