
I don’t get how you can praise co-op structures for empowering small business owners in one sentence while shitting on them for exercising this power in the rest of the article.

Publix does that to keep the firm employee-owned, and it could be done with some creative by-laws. Make it so the governing council is elected and can control the company’s assets and revenue, but they can’t actually sell voting rights or a share of control over the co-op - the only way to acquire voting rights is by

Ace Hardware is still a co-op, too.

This is the member retailers selling off the cooperative in exchange for a big cash payment, but since they’re voting to do it . . eh, what can you do?

Also, why the hell can’t he just put the beer down and keep making out with her? If they were going to have sex he would have had to put the beer down eventually. How did he even turn that into an argument?

I’m a very un-generous person, but my first thought in these instances is how selfish it is to take these sorts of risks when you have young kids. That two-year-old will never know his/her father, because the father thought it was really important to climb up an ice cliff.

It would seem to mean that you could pitch a perfect game and still lose. Runner on second, advances to third and home via fly ball outs, third out recorded, boom, you lose a perfect game 1-0.

If that’s how you feel about a player, how do you reconcile your fandom with the political views of the owners?

Yeah, finding myself becoming less enamored of MLB after hearing the asinine political leanings of these country bumpkin, chew-cheeked good ol boys that pockmark teams across the bigs.

It is a very reasonable deal for an ace. But this deal is for Jake Arrieta.

Is the fouler any good? I wanna know if hes gonna choose Notre Dame or Duke

I’d still be more annoyed by all the mom questions.

I’m not even a Vikings fan, Drew, but if Brees ends up in Minnesota, I will also shit your pants.

Birds are good. Did you know that if you give a struggling cancer patient a bird, it magically transforms their cancer from being their number one worst affliction to their number two worst affliction?

Those shirts are the worst. Thank you for introducing me to them. They get extra points for insulting gays AND trying to rhyme “bender” with “Jenner” on the same shirt.

I have an entire room for fucking. It’s called your mom’s bedroom! HIYO! Gimme me my stars.

You mean when someone finds a better way of squeezing more work out of overworked and underpaid people, and a way to better squeeze suppliers who sometimes are forced to make no money or sell at a loss to be on Amazon because the consumer market demands it?

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

[Edit: this sentence was more personal and snarky than I intended] Saying this guy shouldn’t win is trying to make the case different because it is about guns, not upholding anti-discrimination law.

That’s a fresh tomato sauce, and absolutely nothing like Rao’s. Nothing wrong with fresh tomato sauce for some occasions, but it in no manner is the same kind of sauce as a premium jarred sauce that has been cooked for hours on end.