
Is putting your hand over your mouth part of the Nazi salute?  I don’t know why that’s presented like it’s further evidence of Nazism.

Your method wouldn’t retain any information on what colors the actual objects were originally. You’d just have 3 black and white copies with nothing to filter.

I really don’t remember that shooting at all.

The racist jokes in the Chinese restaurant scene have to drop it to the bottom.

John Wall was very exciting, and very good, but his numbers never indicated he’d be the best player on a championship team. Lots of sportswriters I respect talked about how great he was, but I never understood it.

Getty can and does license photos of copyrighted works of art, all the time.  It’s just that they are usually for a fair use purpose, like appearing in a newspaper article.  Newspapers can run a photo of a work of art without being sued.

Have said it many times before....ban all frats.

Especially egregious because he clearly used his own left hand to prevent his body weight from landing on the QB (or just to break his own fall, but either way...)

Counting the money Jeff Bezos has stolen from American workers”

Layers of irony here.

Best would be to go one step further and give the death penalty to ALL college football (and basketball). None of this shit belongs in school; no other country cares about college sports like the US.

Why isn’t this attempted murder?  I hope at least, this guy ends up on every FBI list.

Ah yes, the sweet middle, where nazis and people who fight for human rights are equally bad.

It’s funny, he’s a year younger than Lebron James, but nobody is shocked at Lebron making the equivalent play in basketball.

The higher the velocity, the wider the range of launch angles that will still produce a home run. Exit velocity of 95mph means you have to hit the perfect angle of ~30° to get it out of the park. Exit velocity of 121 means you could hit at anywhere from like 15-40° and get a home run. Also means you can overcome park

Don’t you think that using a reminder device is.....a way to avoid being a shitty parent?  I think that doing a silly but nearly foolproof tactic to avoid tragedy could be considered pretty good parenting.

White people were like 10% of the population in apartheid South Africa.

You must be the same person that’s talked about his “great” 56% true shooting % with at least 3 different burner accounts on this article. It doesn’t matter how many times you spam it, 56% TS is not very good. It’s extremely average.

That is not elite true shooting %. In 2018 his TS% was 136th of players with at least 50 games played.

Didn’t realize until now that annual salaries were commonly over $30 million. Michael Jordan’s $33 million salary in 1998 was finally just surpassed, like, last year.