
That’s my point. Don’t pro hearthstone players succeed well above random odds too?

/Points to hugely popular poker and MTG competitive circuits.

Seattle Sounders FC is a private, for-profit company owned by a billionaire and multi-millionaires. They don’t need defending against “appropriation” by some dumb fans who think they’re part of the team.

Who needs a fucking sound bar in the kitchen?

Who needs a fucking sound bar in the kitchen?

“KFC gravy may contain chicken.”

Yeah, what exactly was he going to challenge?

This is a huge lie, that’s always being trotted out by Republicans who want to give rich people more money. The number of income brackets has NOTHING to do with the complexity of taxes. The bracket percentages are all calculated for you, completely. You just look up your income on the table that comes with the 1040

That’s a shadow my friend.

In the Home Run Derby they’re pitching BP speeds or slower, and the players still hit them 450 feet, just as far as they do with 95 mph fastballs.

I think more people can homer just because there’s a lot of strong-ass manual laborers in the world. There’s also a lot guys with fat-guy strength, like the Joe Schmoes who can drive a golf ball 300 yards.

Low volume, high concentration I think. Drinking a bunch of beer, with all liquid and carbonation, causes indigestion and burps. Something like a martini or whiskey on the rocks would be better.

Why would you have to look for a ball if it went into a hazard? If it goes in a pond do you have to get a scuba team to make sure it didn’t actually roll out of the water?

His take makes sense from a casual fan or a fan that’s indifferent to the teams playing. Your take makes sense for fans of the relevant teams.

You’re a fool.

Or to put it another way, it’s 13.1 MPH. Try setting a treadmill to 13 MPH and see how long you can last...20 seconds? And that’s with no wind resistance.

I think that joke has been around for 20 years.

Bring back the metal trough urinals.

I always thought that 3 knockdowns in a match = automatic TKO. Guess you learn something new about CTE every day.

No, founds.

But I don’t think they *are* winning the long game, because the “midpoint” of politics does keep moving slowly leftward. (Just way too slowly, and sometimes taking a few steps back). The right does have it easier to stay in power because they will creep their platform just enough towards center to capture ~51% of