

New York Film Critics: Militarism narrowly defeats Sexism.

It may be a matter of principle to you, but it's certainly not to me or to many other people. And I think if you interrogated your own opinion on this you'd realize that your own beliefs on this are not so cut and dry as you might think. An extreme example: a family in the antebellum south lying and misrepresenting

Potentially it could be. It would depend entirely on your methods and motivations, and even if I disagreed with those I would realize that Starbucks is a very big company that can take care of itself perfectly well and does not need me to advocate on its behalf.

Why do you care so much about 'the good name' of corporate entity, Victoria's Secret?

How is that an argument against, and not for, abortion in these circumstances?

whoa whoa whoa whoa, totally different, i mean, Barlow is white for chrissakes!

I've heard lots of explanations of the etymology, but ultimately it appears to be unknown. And the term isn't used very much today in contemporary social justice fields because hoboes are no longer as large a part of American landscape that they once were in the earlier part of the 20th century. However, if you

The term 'hobo' actually refers to a distinct, self-selected group of individuals with their own culture and history. It's not insulting if accurately applied to someone who is a hobo, but the conflation with homelessness is general certainly is.

I'm curious about the way that you say you "are" polyamorous. Do you consider it to be a fundamental part of your identity, or are you just using it as shorthand for the way you've decided to present your desires and expectations in relationships?

lol, a BS in nutrition and dietetics does not a scientist make

Most early research into computer science was government funded.

What? Considering it is the pursuit of wealth (profits really) that led directly to our latest economic crisis, I'd say we're not demonizing it nearly enough.

Are you real?

Except there's no indication that using drones limits risks to people.

The human labor necessary to design and build a robot will always be less than the human labor that that robot displaces. Otherwise there would be no reason to ever build them.

I think I pretty much agree with you, though to be fair, a 'ban on leggings' could be applied equally across genders.

Do you think girls (and boys) should be allowed to go to school topless?

Actually, I think 'tombs' is accurate here.