
are you kidding? 3DS has had tons of awesome games from 3rd party devs.

is VR something that more than 2% of hardcore gamers actually want tho? I know I don’t... at all. And I am pretty hardcore.

Spanish name, Spanish descent. It’s pretty clear cut.

And boom goes the dynamite.

“Point to the doll and tell me where Bungie touched you”

This is my swamp

I can’t believe you used the picture of camel toe guy again.

I can’t believe you used the picture of camel toe guy again.

Dante’s Inferno, terrible? That’s a first...Well now that we know he gets pissed off a spews out vomit when things don’t go his way, I’m kind of worried about Star Wars now. You don’t get first “because the game is bad” you got fired because you probably sucked. We already have Finn dragging the whole movie down I

I love the artistic design of the game. They went full fucking bore.

“Written from my laptop with a camera pointed right at my face. With my cellphone in my pocket...”

lol yea, idk what the games press is smoking. they say this game looks bad, meanwhile games like uncharted receive mountains of praise and awards for its super genericness lol

Last Guardian - game that still looks like the PS3 version they showed originally, but now with a release window that still shouldn’t be trusted.

Imagine that, only announcing a game when it’s almost finished. What a concept! The other branches of Square could learn a lesson.

Yeah I thought I needed to pay to play old games on my PS4. Oh wait.