You are severely underestimating how cheap GameStop is, severely underestimating how many trade-ins come in and the time necessary to process them, and severely overestimating how properly trained most employees are at the store level.
You are severely underestimating how cheap GameStop is, severely underestimating how many trade-ins come in and the time necessary to process them, and severely overestimating how properly trained most employees are at the store level.
I’ve had this happen a few times when I worked there. We had people who would swap stickers, or sometimes even take apart cartridges and put the chips for cheap games inside the casings for high dollar games and then trade them in.
While I agree that Kylo Ren didn’t seem as menacing as we all wanted him to be, Kylo Ren is just a confused kid. I don’t think Kylo is the “villain” for this trilogy per se - it seems pretty clear to me that he is a puppet for the motivations of the First Order, and Kylo - in the interest of his own agenda in the…
Worth remembering that the Death Star 2.0 was much, much bigger than Death Star 1.0.
I personally loved Dante’s Inferno, and I don’t usually much care for God of War style games. But for me the art design and overall atmosphere of the game made it awesome. Ever watch the animated movie?
Same here. Bloodborne was the only thing I’ve ever played on my PS4 (okay, and a little Rocket League).
I use my headphones for critical listening and/or if I’m going to be listening with them for a long time.
Huh, funny. If it was about all of that Xbox would be winning by a landslide right now. PS4’s only GOOD exclusives so far have been Second Son and Bloodborne, and absolutely no exclusives in sight for the holidays.
He’s not advocating the preorder. And he wouldnt be doing his job if he didn’t tell you it was Gamestop exclusive.
Do the survey! Don’t be negative towards the employee though, unless you were given legitimately bad service. It is indeed a corporate directive. Believe me, we wish we could quietly leave you to your browsing if that’s all you want.
I NEED to know what this is from.
Not fanboying here, just pointing out that I was not once confused by what was announced as “Only on Xbox,” nor do I know of anybody else who was or subsequently “called them out on their bullshit,” as you put it. Apparently it was some kind of widespread phenomenon, the way you made it sound.
If you actually PAID ATTENTION during Microsoft’s conference, they never once claimed any of those games were “Only on Xbox One” but that those particular features were. Dont know what FIFA had, but Fallout 4’s console mod support will indeed be only on Xbox One for the time being, because plans to bring it to PS4…
Sounds like somebody is in denial.
Besides maybe some confusion over Rise of the Tomb Raider, I too would like an answer to this question.
Ugh, Uncharted. They’re solid games, and can be fun, but they are far from groundbreaking. Or even worse, The Last of Us. Most un-videogamey videogame I have ever played in my life, and I forced myself through like 10 hours of it before I called it quits - I just couldn’t take it anymore
I too tend to avoid DLC unless A) its for a game I can pump hours and hours into ala Destiny, or B) the DLC gets rave reviews.
No. You buy Gears HD and they give you the others.
You get them free.