Ultron’s “demise” WAS mildly vague. The cutaway to a distant flash of light left a rather hamfisted chunk of ambiguity.
Ultron’s “demise” WAS mildly vague. The cutaway to a distant flash of light left a rather hamfisted chunk of ambiguity.
Save for Loki, most of the MCU villains have been kind of disappointments so far. Case in point - Ronan.
Especially when you consider the fact that no game has yet to have anything CRUCIAL to it’s experience unlocked by amiibo, with the exception of *mayyyybe* Codename: STEAM, which even then is just kind of a cool addition, not a necessity by any means.
Man, fuck Rainbow Road....
I see what you did there...
Seriously. They had no idea amiibo was gonna be this big. Especially for stuff like Fire Emblem, which, up until Awakening, has NEVER sold well in America. And before launch there was a good air of apathy among most people, from what I recall. A lot of “I’ll just get Link and be done.” And now those same people are…
I'm sorry, but Activision is a million times worse than Microsoft could ever be.
Sounds like PlayStation fans *always*
There are a lot of technical details that to this day have yet to be repeated/matched. Maybe not obviously stunning at first glance, but when you see how impressive some of the techniques they used and how they used the hardware, I think its safe to say it was definitely groundbreaking. I wish I could find the article…
Wind Waker says "hello!"
Yeah, the crowd it panders to. Because games like Fable, Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, etc. don't matter on Xbox, right?
Rayman Legends has a ridiculous amount of content, especially trying to 100% it. Which is cool for people wanting that, but yes, it might've had a little too much for my tastes in platformers.
I think we're reading a different review. The review was largely positive. Only "meh" I find is the game's lack of new ideas, which is even stated in the review as not being an entirely bad thing.
So much this.
Same as on the New 3DS - awesome lol.
Last month's DLC was in the "Gift Area" section.
DLC should have been there, I downloaded it earlier this morning with no issues.
Definitely. After putting so much time into MH3U, I'm only about 60 hours into MH4U and frustrated at the fact that I have so much longer to go before the REAL fun starts.
Hello Games' mouth is too stuffed with Sony's shaft to be able to say anything of the sort.
Once I started playing with a group regularly it was my weapon of choice in 3U. Having the right combo of buffs for the right monster makes a hunt that much more satisfying.