
That looks like a dude with no head, but with an oddly pointy boner. Just sayin’

BA in Pol Sci from Duke. Great university, easy major. Now had it been a major in Applied Maths, I would have said the “bright and nerdy” description could be appropriate.

Not a spoiler, but in this movie they just went over the top with queasy cam.

True that. I am hoping for a Han centered prequel. Where we learn that he shares ancestry with Brad Pitt and that will explain the incessant snacking.

And that is an understatement.

Son, you need to obtain treatment for that narcolepsy.

They have Luke Evans. That is already covered.

Hey dipshit, I know you snooty libtard bloggers are too cool to actualy know or care about the FF franchise family, but what is this garbage? “6) Dwayne Johnson used to be a bad guy but now he’s their friend”. Hobbs, aka the Rock is a DSS agent. He was never one of the bad guys. He was just the guy the gubmint sent to

What clickbait nonsense is this?

Yep. Racism doesn’t have room for nuance. A lesson that was sadly lost on many minority members who chose to throw other members of other minorities on the bus.

So Orlove, how did the cargo originate in India? Not like India has a lot of petroleum reserves? So are Indian refineries so efficient that they can buy Gulf oil ( I suppose) and then sip it Stateside and make a profit? Please elaborate.

Petroleum futures, stock market something something...

It always entertained me to think that GTFO would be a logical evolution of the famous GTO cars.

yes, the show is worth it.

How is this classified as a cutter and not a darn frigate?

I tip my hat to you for being one of those postdocs. Undoubtedly your journey has been difficult and has required an immense input of energy and effort. Since you are a postdoc, and a somewhat better paid one, surely you can take a walk down the hallway and look at the Korean/Chinese/Indian postdoctoral cohort. Do all


“...O or “rockstar” visas for high achievers in the arts, science, etc, they always struck me as kind of unfair.You are creating a special status for people who already have the most resources.”