
Just a small correction, Sethbling isn’t a modder, and this isn’t a mod, it’s created in the vanilla game using command blocks.

I agree completely. When I bought my Toad Amiibo, it didn’t even work with any of my games and I didn’t care. It is an awesome looking Toad statue.

That really is the aspect that so many people miss when talking about Amiibo as “overpriced DLC”. I just want little Nintendo characters sitting around on my desk, the “ DLC” or in-game application is absolutely secondary for me. It’ll be the same with the Star Wars figures.

The source is every other fucking Fallout game. You’re making a huge fuss over nothing.

In the interests of hyper realism, Every NPC will talk like Tom Hanks in Capitan Phillips and will slip the word Chowder and the phrase “I’m from Boston” into any conversation.

People that fear them hate them. It’s very sad. Now if you excuse me I’m going to go give my dog a big cosy hug! <3

After reading this thread, I’m now hoping the dog is the only playable character. Fallout 4: Boston Doge, such bomb, many vault, very survive. Wow.

cat mod?

It’s just that I’ve never met anyone that hated dogs before.

Wow, you must be fun to hang out with.

Okay, well, I’m not a fan of dogs either but I’m sure as hell not going to let a virtual one prevent me from buying an entire game. And based on Fallout 3’s experience, you don’t have the dog from the beginning and you don’t have to have him.

But, but... they’re dogs!

How can you hate dogs?

It isn’t necessary to use power armor ever, so no, the game does not “force” you into linear progression. Power Armor is complex, it’s not just a suit that you strap on and go. You have to learn to use it effectively, and you can only learn that from the people who actually know how to use it, i.e. the Brotherhood of

What the hell is the problem with the dog?

Before the next actual Elder Scrolls game.

There’s been a dog in Fallout games ever since the original Fallout in 1998.

It’s post-apocalyptic Boston set in an alternate timeline where the United States never progressed past the 1950s? Hopefully they’ll do more to make it feel like Boston/New England than just the typical, “Hey, there’s <landmark name here>!” and some foliage. (Edit: and replacing “ar” with “ah”.)

Agreed. At least there’s nowhere to go but up from here though. Maybe Bethesda is bucking the trend of over selling and under delivering upon debut.

Not coming to 3DS? Darn it.