

Minecon was never really about reveals. 1.7 was released a week before the last Minecon. And the panel they had for future Minecraft really had no reveals for 1.8 or much else. Some vague talk about their Mod API mostly.

Yeah, you're right. I got confuzzled for a sec.

Nope. This is official. You're thinking of Mine-O-Rama.

Nobody got scammed

I'm the department of we shouldn't be creating AI's that can think and learn on their own out into the wild sorta speak. Not until about a thousand different laws are put into place that must be in the code of each and every last one to protect everyone but themselves.

Ruh-roh. I wonder what this means for Home's US servers...

I'm surprised Home has lasted as long as it has. I'm still not quite sure what it's supposed to be other than Sony's attempt at making its own Second Life.

I love that his pupils blink instead of his eyes.

I don't like that what is still really a super viral trend to raise tons of money for a cause that is normally very much ignored in the eyes of the public is now essentially being treated like an overused meme, or the harlem shake, with people (and apparently even major commentators) complaining of it being old and

There's something weird about how they're framed/coloured here too.. They look like bizarre giant pustules..

Because... that's pretty much the only reason why. You can buy a vinyl/plastic kirby toy of the same quality for like, $10. The only thing you don't get it a stand and a glowing slash effect which wouldn't cost that much more.

I can understand big complicated characters like Link and Samus being expensive, as there's a lot of craftsmanship that goes into them.

is that a girl I see? No it's just a phallus EEEE!

"Daddy needs to get his rocks off!"

The Netflix season of Arrested Development made fun of stuff like this. Where a side character was cast to make a low budget Fantastic Four(ish) movie to keep the rights from reverting.

Holy god, what happened to her poor, broken torso to make it twist that way?

Someone help me out here. I'm a Christian and do my best to lead a traditional, moral life. If I speak out against abortion or same-sex marriage, people will retort "Hey, if you don't like 'xyz' don't get/have one!"

So, how does that logic not apply here? If you don't like this outfit either don't buy the game or

'Skimpy costume'. Lol. It's sports clothes. What is this? Pat Buchanon's blog? The Grand High Imam's Fashion Hour?

It was a jab that a Gamecube is more worthy of a permanent spot than an Xbox One. Probably because of all the great titles it has that age very well.