Collin Christopher

I’m not saying this in support or opposition to any specific terms here, but I’m always confused by the guys who try to use etymology as a reason to keep using a word. Language changes, always and forever. Terms can develop new meanings, lose old ones, or change in a million other ways. Just that fact that you have to

Not really. Makes perfect sense. Lemme Break it down:

I kinda liked the first one, for the grand scope of it all, the re-introduction of the original characters, and the clever way they went about creating a new timeline.

I still prefer the original timeline, but I thought it was clever how they effectively rebooted the franchise, even if the reboot was, ultimately, not

Can he solve the mystery of the autoplaying ads on the AV Club? Because they’ve already ruined Deadspin. 


What This Guy Fawkes said is accurate, but even more than that. Reducing the coefficient of drag on the ball makes pitches less effective (fastballs and breaking balls), but it also means that balls fly faster and farther when hit.  Higher exit velocity leads to higher BABIP and more distance obviously equals more

The differences between the new and old constructions are too subtle to just eyeball. Dr. Meredith Wills has pulled apart tons of balls from various eras looking doing a more scientific study.

I believe the seams are less pronounced. Very slightly so, but the pitchers get that much less of a grip, which means they generate that much less spin rate, which means the ball dances that much less over the plate. So basically what used to be a biting slider is now a big ol meatball over the plate waiting to turn

There isn’t a mystery. MLB is just suggesting that they didn’t intentionally do anything differently.

You had it right. The bill applies to private universities as well. From the language of SB 206:

Now playing

Sounds like Lionel Hutz is not a lawyer parody but a lawyer aspiration.

I always struggle with the difference between coercion and being clear about what one needs/wants in a relationship. I’m fortunate enough to be in relationships with people who are on the same page as me about non-monogamy, and I dislike drama to the extent that I entirely avoid monogamous people who are ‘willing to

Its a little sad that a 50 year old woman is claiming to have been manipulated by a 25 year old. Especially noted rocket scientist Ashton Kutcher.

You might as well try to convince an MSG-phobe to eat Chinese food.  People are not rational about these things.

Your fear of phthalates is unreasonable. There have been no significant studies demonstrating the causality of phthalates on any health conditions. The trace amounts present in some canned foods are negligible and safe.

Ben cares not for consent.

Roethlisberger cares very little about consent.

I don’t think this article is arguing one way or the other. The takeaway that I had is the entire discussion around this matter is seen almost exclusively through the male gaze, which shapes the discussion and decisions that follow.

Beto: Fucking immigration man!!!! Like, Trump sucks bro!