Collin Christopher

THIS. I’ve been suggesting this every time the question comes up. Guy signs a big contract, gets hurt 2 games in, team is hosed for the duration of the contract. BUT, if salaries of anyone on IR do not count towards the cap, then at least the team isn’t at a disadvantage and they player still gets paid. Everyone is

Unfortunately, there are two competing philosophies at play here.

Austin wrote that he found out about the incident from a video on his mother’s computer.

Yeah, and I mean, there are lots of people who don’t/won’t have evidence of abuse they’ve suffered. That’s understandable. But if a person comes out, speaks about their abuse, and claims to have video evidence it occurred, but refuses to show us that evidence, that’s automatically sketchy as fuck, and the person

Look, if you want your allegations to affect someone else’s life, yes you need proof. I say this as a survivor.

Yeah but when the victim says she has proof but won’t release it because victims should be believed without having to have any proof, I’m gonna go ahead and assume that a loooooot of people are calling bullshit on her accusations. Also, I read her long ass statement where she makes nothing but vague claims and there’s

Mohanan told Minnesota Public Radio that she would not release the alleged tape because, “It sets the expectation for survivors of all kinds of forms of abuse, whether it be abuse toward women, abuse from police officers, abuse from other people in power, to have to be the ones, like I’m doing right now, to show and

Seriously, everyone’s pants are comically long. I don’t remember this trend, thankfully. 

Oddly, the only one there with a suit that fits is the previously-mocked TJ Ford.

I would be surprised by this, but we all know nothing is going to happen to the worthless pig.

I didn’t know Buddhism and meditation were female dominated. Did we just read the same article? What does this have to do with yoga or female dominated spaces? This guy founded all these groups and there was never anything gender specific about them. 

You’re right on the chimichurri. Delicious, but probably too powerful for a ribeye. 

Bearnaise is hard to beat. I wouldn’t put chimmichuri on a regular American steak, though it’s great with steak dishes and fries. Another option isn’t really a sauce, but a blackened pan sear in butter can be great on some cuts, with the pepper, garlic, and other spices making a nice crust. A little HP on the side is

I disagree.  Not everyone wants their families dirty laundry laid out in public, especially when they have children.

“Peace in our time!”

I’m more than fine with pelting Nazis/White SUpremacists with water bottles and telling them to fuck off. That’s getting off very lightly.

God bless USC for hiring Sark from us

That is kind of what happens to scabs. 

I stopped reading after “he crossed the (picket) line.”

No. No, its not about child sex trafficking.