
Amen, not to mention shit in bed. I'm sure I'm not alone in finding this. Though it's not really a big surprise, any guy that would pressure you out of using a condom for his own selfish means is probably not going to have your pleasure on his priority list. Great way to weed out the sad in the sack.

This was the best thing I've read all day. Thank you.

I have a few friends who disappear from the side of the earth any time they get into a relationship, only to magically appear again and want to get together constantly when they break up. I absolutely can't stand it, I'm not some substitute relationship, and I really don't appreciate being treated like such. I think

I've met a few in real life, and they have always just been pathetic. I used to get enraged at them, but interacting in person has left me knowing that they're really just sad angry little men who usually have some sort of issue, and are generally the real losers in life. Now I just feel slightly sad for them, not

And sometimes grooms like to take the surname of the bride, your point?

Holy 1950s batman. Lemme find you your time machine...

I just had this discussion, but I still don't understand the whole "fathers' name" argument. If someone wants to believe that, all the power to them, however how does my father own that name any more than I? Doesn't that just mean it's just his father's name? Does that mean nobody owns that name? Or do you have to

That's one of my worst fears as well. I'm not sterilized (not without trying, jerk doctors), and there was a moment about 6 years back in which he tried to convince me not to do it, and I feared that he wasn't 100% on board. But since then he seems to have gone from undecided way to wanting to be completely childfree

The worst is the assumption that you might oneday just change your mind. I had a few relationships which would have been better off never being, and would have been that way if the guy actually believed me. The worst thing is to assume that they'll just change their mind one day. Who knows, they might, but it's

Excuse me while I go put this on a t-shirt...

Or I can accept it as my own name. You can call it what you wish, and justify your own feelings on your name. Anyone can sit around and trace their name to some shitty origins, but I could frankly not give a fuck. With that mindset it's all worthless...which is fine, it's your name and your choice. Ultimately it's all

Exactly. Are we supposed to believe that having a penis magicially makes it your name, whereas if you happen to have a vagina it's your father's name? I happen to feel I have the same claim over my name as my brother. Anyone who feels differently is free to do whatever metal gymnastics they wish, they're not going to

Yeah, my partner finds it endlessly amusing, but honestly I could understand how a guy could cave into that pressure. Honestly I'm starting to cave, and a big part of me just wants him to keep his name so they'll just shut up and leave us alone. Then again it's mostly coming from my family as his doesn't seem to care.

Yeah, I have no idea what the hell they were thinking. I guess they got married at 19...but even in that case they dated 3 years, and even then what they did was pretty silly. This was just insane. At least they've dropped it, but it took 5 years and several into a long-term relationship before that happened.

Then there's a whole other side of the issue. I'm fairly neutral on the issue, and I feel similarly to you that people should just default to the better name/what both like more (though if there isn't a agreement, I feel both parties should keep their own). I extremely share your dislike the whole male/last name as

Seriously. I said no in front of my family (we were 18, had barely dated a year, it was a childish stunt on his part to try and keep a relationship that was doomed to die when I moved out for university...), and I heard nothing but shit from them for about two years strait. I was a bitch, I ruined a great future, I

"She has a double standard and the problem is her issue not his"

He refuses, wants her to do something, but refuses to do it himself too. Why should she compromise if he won't? He's literally doing the exact same thing she is. Why is this her problem not his? It seems like the issue is pretty mutual.

With the kids? She said she's fine with him keeping his last name, but how is wanting the kids to be her name a double standard? He wants the kids to be in his name, is that a double standard too?

Eh, I can't really get behind the whole just switching proposals to women thing. I hate proposals, and switching up the genders doesn't really change that for me. Sure it might be a fun thing for some people, but for me it makes a thousand times more sense to talk it out and come to a mutual agreement. Then again I