
Reversing vasectomies have around a 95% chance of achieving mobile sperm (source) so I'm not entirely sure what your urologist is talking about. It's just an expensive thing to do (10 grand or so if you're American), and not really something easily done, but still possible if the situation arises. Hopefully that can

I don't think I'd want a "congratulations you're saving the planet!" celebration, but I would desperately like to be seen on equal ground to those who have kids. I couldn't imagine what it would be like going through the shit I do and actually wanting kids. It's bad enough when you're adamantly childfree, but to be

I have a somewhat similar story. I’ve known since forever that I never want children…I guess a huge part of that is I have pretty shitty health, a pregnancy would be too hard both mentally and physically, and I don’t think I could deal with the first 10-12 years of its life. I just don’t want anything to do with it

Are the 100 moms paying admission? If anything you'd think that this would support the museum.

I'm somewhat certain they're nocturnal creatures...or at least sleep in until 3pm when their moms drag them out of bed.

Oh man, you're spot on.

It's honestly the image for me. They make it look like little worms coming after you (which for someone who has a horrible fear of parasitic worms it's creepy) and then further the creepy crawly theme by focusing on the movement. It wasn't like I exactly enjoyed thinking theoretically about sperm, and there's

Butbut they could be nuclear sperm :(

Suddenly condoms sound like a good idea this week...

I'm sorry to hear and I hope you're feeling better! Thanks for the tips :) I'll definitely ask about the stuff between the teeth.

Everything you said about short men can be applied to tall women. Height rejection is not a solely male problem, and I'm not quite sure why you're playing it off as one. One of my closest friends is 6'2" and the shit she gets from men is absolutely horrible and at least as bad as the shit short men get. Honestly I

Butbut it's so big and full of people to link me to my vastly tmi posts...

Aww, thanks! You too :)

Apologies for crappiness, but I'm a bit nervous still to post anything too clear.

Love the dress! I might bite...I've been avoiding these because I'm freakishly paranoid that I'll run into someone I know, but I haven't taught in years and I don't think I will for quite some time...

I've had that happen twice, and it's always rubbed me the wrong way. The first was from kind of a jerk FWB, but I honestly think he just meant it in dude-verson of "wow your penis is so big!" complement. What really threw me off was an old boyfriend. He was on the larger side, but would avoid foreplay like it would

I don't have any wisdom teeth, but I'm actually missing one of the teeth before it on the bottom so it's companion tooth on the top keeps growing and while a little annoying never really seemed to harm anything until now. It's not the tooth I think might have the cavity, that's the one next to it, but if it's a gum

We actually have a massive dental school here so that sounds like a brilliant idea! I never thought of that. Thanks so much!

Thanks so much for this!

I think I have a cavity but I'm being a huge baby about the whole thing. I am almost 27 and I have never had one in a life (I've always figured mass amounts of drooling plus non-stop coke zero drinking would save me!). I've also been avoiding the dentist like the plague because I have an excess tooth they really need