
I really don't blame you. My SO is the exact same way, he really can't handle it either. I've given him the side eye for it for a while, but it's been slowly creeping up on me, and tonight I really understand the feeling. I think I'll keep going a bit, but if it's just going to keep pushing these boundaries I might

I'm really shocked too. I don't know too much about him, but I've seen him post a few pro-women things in the past, and I want to think that he would be that type too...but damn :(


This is exactly my feeling. I really don't want to give the show up, but I'm honestly really upset after this. I think the show has teetered on the edge of my threshold for this kind of shit (even in story format), but tonight they really stepped over the line for me. Adding it in combination of everything else was

Oh man, I should have looked down before posting.

Did anyone find that tonight's episode went too far? I know the show (and I guess by extension the novel) likes to push things right to the edge, and maybe I'm just a bit more sensitive tonight, but for the first time I really felt so overwhelmed I had to walk away a few times. Normally I can handle the show, even the

Game of Thrones stuff in the reply...not really spoliery, but I don't want to accidentally give anything away:

Oh no Takei :( You're way better than this!

I haven't heard about this whole anti-marriage thing in mainstream MRA, but it's seriously the most hilarious thing I've seen yet. I just picture a bunch of women hating men feeling so smug that they're not marrying us, and what hot commodities they are! Oh they're showing us. What will we ever do now? Oh wait, I'll

If you don't mind me asking how is the mona? I've been eyeing it for a while (feel free to completely ignore this question if you're uncomfortable answering, I completely understand)

So much love for lelo from me, though I have a gigi not an iris.

Thanks for tip :) I'll look into that!

Yeah, I guess if someone has to approve replies then it might be easier to avoid surprise trolls in least they'll be confined to little spaces.

I've asked this a couple times, but worth another shot:

The first one is equivalent to cutting off half your dick; head, foreskin and half the shaft. All of your dick if they decide to dig around a bit and kill off the internal nerves, which they frequently do. I'm as anti-circumcision as they come, but please don't equivilate cutting off the clitoris with the foreskin. To

I want to send you MRAs all the support I can on the marriage. Normally I think you guys are a pile of dumbasses, but this whole anti-marriage thing is the greatest idea I've heard yet. The more we can keep you away from women the better! Seriously, you guys are doing some great work not inflicting the misery of

I managed to piss off some nerves in that area and heat seems to work well...but only on the butt. It's electric, but it seems weird to me that a heating pad wouldn't let you sit/lay/lean against it, though it's new and I've never owned one before. Though I think I'll try my lap, definitely better than nothing! Thanks

But it's being such a jerk! I paid $30 for him, the least it could do is appease my butt. It started it! No hugs from me until it apologizes. Friggin entitled heatingpad *grumblegrumble*

Soooo my heating pad says not to sit on it...but I want to sit on it. Is there anyway the two of us can compromise?

We used to use wax when I was a kid! I loved the result.