
Really? I can think of 4 different times this has happened to people I know without even trying. 6 if we include tents & trailers on camping trips. (I'm sure if I had coffee more will come to mind.) I'd advocate for Canadian's to start locking their doors more often (& to start drinking less) but some of these mix ups

I'd like to go all Ralph Rucci with his sheer one-boob look. I wonder if he has a reverse of that design. I'd prefer everyone see my righty bobbing around. My mom would def prefer the left because of the partial mastectomy though.

Cheers to my fellow parka-fucking Canadian! My friend banged a guy on a school ski trip and they started out in full-on snowsuits. They skied off into a forested path. If only she had know people could glimpse their winter white asses bouncing on the wooded trail from up on the chairlift she would've gotten away with

If they were lucky they were.

Yup. Part of maturing is learning to make choices. The idea that dad can tell you how much of your body you can reveal or hide implies that your body doesn't belong to you. Sadly, if they've never been taught to have any agency over their own body they may not even question or challenge this bizarre dynamic. It makes

your not you're. Dang it!

Not wanting to date a girl who's banged x number of guys isn't slut shaming? Hmmmm. You might have had a point if you'd said that that's just your own personal narrow standard. Unfortunately when you scream about it and expect everyone to adhere to your particular ideals or when you judge them as slutty whores if they

Maybe he thinks he can convince (& by convince I mean shame) the feminists to go back to the good old values of the 1950's? How does he not understand that judging, admonishing and concerning himself with how many sexual partners a female has isn't slut shaming?

Lol! Ah ha! VoiceOfInsanity would be a much more accurate and succinct new name then what I was going to suggest. I thought he should reconsider changing his name to: VoiceOfSomeoneWhoNeverLearnedToThinkForHimselfAndWhoSadlyAssumesEveryoneAdheresToHisNarrowParameters

Voiceofreason obviously gave himself that name on Opposite Day when up was down, smart was dumb etc. Ignore the asshole.

The thing is kiddo, not everyone wants to be or even has to be bound to an exclusive two person relationship anymore There are a myriad of choices out there when it comes to configuring relationships.

Ha! My stepdad was a pilot in the second world war. When I was going through his belongings after he passed away I found a very old copy of this that he'd typed out years & years ago. It has the exact same tempo and every verse ends with 'in the North Atlantic squadron' but the rest of it is very WW1/WW2 sounding.