
I knew there was going to be someone doing some icthyological fact checking on me.!

Too true, unfortunately kids these days may forget the Harvey Kietel roots of the cleaning crews.

It's like one of those movies where you say you need a cleanup, and 2 hours later all evidence of your 5 minute sequence of heartless killing is removed!

This is really good advice, and as others have pointed out you can have separate and joint accounts and have transparency with your partner in all of them.

I adjusted all the sliders until I found the perfect font! But then I realized I had just recreated comic sans... what am I doing with my life?

Yes! He is limited to his brilliance and good looks, we have the power of the internet!

So you're telling me that my whole life could have been a choose your own adventure and I didn't even know it??

While a million years is an instant in terms of the lifespan of the universe, I can't help but be disappointed that we won't get to witness the event itself. The collision of two such unimaginable forces would certainly be quite (or was quite, as itellyou pointed out) an event.

Professional excel jockey here.

I posted it in the fall, the earth has tilted since then.


Hey, as a head's up, this is a Steam Flash Sale program. $15 on Steam right now!


Seconded. I wonder about the tricks that they had to come up with to get it this small.

I thought the 5S was their free range phone...

You know, Brent, we've never met. But something tells me I would like you. Except that you keep demonstrating these fantastic beverage ideas at 2pm on Fridays =(

I do suffer from a rare blue-brown color blindness, you are correct. It makes swimming in the ocean seem yucky.

Well, apart from the million people that live in San Jose alone, I guess yeah, no one lives here. That is a good point about the corporate lines though, this appears to be residential only.

Great article! I recently started a sort of daily news recap for my family (starting with my fiancee) and I've grown 150% in readership (from 4 to 10, their all related, but 150% sounds pretty good!). I've wanted to make it into a more professionalish blog, instead of it getting buried in with my posts on Kinja (which

Except when you trying to play something online and you get killed because of lag every time... stupid lag...