
I think you’re slicing it incredibly thin here. Sure, all meditation isn’t mindfulness, but it’s absurd to think that just because someone is providing spoken guidance that it’s somehow not mindfulness. My guess is that you’re in the vanishing minority of people who wouldn’t consider Headspace (etc) “mindfulness”.

If you’re using a CD or other audio, then most people will focus on the audio, and cut out the rest of the situation (eg, the feel of the floor, the warmth of the sun etc).

Per Quantcast:

Quantcast’s estimate of reddit’s traffic puts it at 10x that of the entire Gawker network. Did you bother to check your link?

While I empathize with the fact that Team Live Badass’s post may have been premature with regard to you specifically, the vitriol that Gawker has been spewing at Reddit of late (much of which ends up crosslinked on Gizmodo) does make it understandable. I’m not exactly a rabid pro-Reddit partisan in the real world, but

2 million YouTube subscribers probably doesn't put him in the top 25 of gaming YouTubers, though. Which - I mean, hey, that's still probably more than enough to make a living off of it, so good for him. But even if he were Pewdiepie - who at the very least, everyone's at least heard of - I don't think that there'd be

I think the Mississippi River may have something to do with that, too.

MX Player works pretty well.

Also a doctoral student. I assume there's a healthy amount of self-editing involved here. My (honest) bag would be something along the lines of:

You'd better believe that I expect the $10 cake I get at a restaurant to be genuine Duncan Hines.

The "first rule" stuff is so stupid. Usenet providers get DCMA takedowns pretty frequently. NZBMatrix got taken down years ago. There are a lot of smart people whose job it is to stop copyright infringement; it's unlikely that fairly major protocols that have been used for copyright infringement since the 80s are

Since it wasn't included: For scientists: Org Mode:

I have a Nexus 7 which I traded up from an iPad 1 to get. I'm kind of iffy as to whether I made a good call or not.

Sure, the world is overflowing with bullshit, but you can either ignore that and move on with your life or you can be a cynical asshole - either are valid solutions. But the people who lead successful, fulfilled lives tend to fall in the former category.

Because someone might not want to shut their phone off when they're taking a shower and think their spouse/roommate/kids/etc might be taking liberties?

In my experience, those phrases precede something that's deceitful considerably less than they precede something super racist (or whatever-ist).

How is this preferable to using the tag:foo operator in search?

If the standard for too much is a 16 oz. porterhouse daily, then yeah, this is practically health food. But it's also not unreasonable to say that 4.5oz/day may be pushing it. Consider that a normal (recommended) serving of ground beef is 4 oz.

Well, in fairness, the one package is like 6 lbs.

True, but I'd modify it somewhat: