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That's what phishy looks like?
This is an example of why we need a 24-hour chill-the-hell-out period whenever Google does anything.
Ars Technica. The Wired writer stopped reading when he saw "Images displayed by default".
Except that the images would have to be available on the web anyway to download to the inline messages, where Google probably has them indexed anyhow. Attachments would still be on their servers (as they have been since the beginning of time). The only email communications that include inline images are corporate…
Yeah, privacy concerns are stupid. We're talking about images that are stored on remote servers for HTML messages getting pre-cached, normally stuff from newsletters or company logos or whatnot. Actual attachments to the messasges (i.e., the way that a human would email an image to another human) is on their servers…
Seriously? Fuck you.
Maybe a plurality of billionaires didn't finish college. Mind you, almost all of them _started_ college, though, and if you're going to lower the bar for success from "can afford a yacht to land his/her G5 on" to, like, "is in the top 20% of wage earners" or something a little more reasonable, then I'd say most…
Who ever said he thought he deserved a better view? (Mind you, he was asking how much he'd have to pay to get the better view, but don't let that stop you from being superior)
So, you have your haughty self-righteousness and he has a better hotel room. Everyone wins!
People complain about Facebook whenever they change their user experience, but frankly, they're not dumb there, and if they had left it as-is, people would have moved on a long time ago.
What's better? On features, Google Plus, by a mile. On actual use? Facebook is used by everyone and their dog, and it's good enough, so I don't think that anything is giong to knock it off its perch.
Exactly. This is just cheap clickbait so everyone can feel good about themselves about how they also disagree with WBC. They're assholes, we all know that.
Or stay at a Motel that provides you with a microwave. Or recognize that if you're away from home, you're going to have to change your routine somewhat. Or just go to an Extended Stay place that has a kitchenette.
At gun shows, online sales, and private sales. (See the failed Manchin-Toomey bill that would have required background checks in these instances)
Okay, but background checks are, in fact, gun control (and are thus anathema to the NRA et al). Nobody said that we should just ban guns outright. Melanie said that the biggest issue was "our lack of gun control" - the fact that you can legally buy a gun without submitting to a background check seems to fall under…
Yay gun rights! Because background checks are where freedom dies.
FYI, when people say "liberals don't have a sense of humor" they're using people like you as evidence.
Cold-brew coffee is going to be different from both of those methods - the fact that it's never heated up means that the acids don't really bloom as they do with drip or pressure methods. The result is a much sweeter and nuttier tasting coffee. There's not really going to be a frame of reference if you've only had…
Actually, this is a case where a vote is supposed to indicate what the Lifehacker readership thinks is the best option. If you want a review with actual testing, that's certainly out there.