Gold star for reading comprehension?
Gold star for reading comprehension?
That analogy just doesn't hold water. The fact that bodice-ripper novels exist doesn't create some kind of equivalency. I don't want to have to state the blazingly obvious, but there's also quite a bit of pornography that's targeted at men; it just so happens that men generally prefer their porn to be more visual.…
We aren't discussing the game on its merits because the article is about the backlash against the game, not the game itself.
Have you read game website comment threads in the past 10 years? People don't care about objectifying women. People care about complaining about how women don't like being objectified.
Upon rereading your comment, I don't see how I misunderstood you. My (sincere) apologies for the snarky remark.
I'm envious of you. You get to insult my country in multiple posts, but when I make what I thought was a pretty obvious sarcastic jab at you (and not your unspecified country of origin), I'm being racist.
Yeah, okay. According to you, I'm gay, insane (x2), racist, stupid, a child who uses his mother's computer and at am least partially responsible for the cultural demise of the United States of America.
"I also have read that black people are intellectually inferior to white people."
Oh! I get it. You're implying that I'm homosexual. It only took me a second to recognize because it's 2013 and gay panic isn't really a thing anymore.
So when you wrote that comment that you apparently don't agree with, you were just letting everyone know that you read something? I'm not sure what the point of your comment is if you're not publicly endorsing the idea behind it.
Or it's just an idiosyncracy, but don't let that stop you from thinking that you're smarter than everyone else.
I'm not sure what that has to do with the price of tea in China. I hope that you got your frustrations off your chest about internet commenters.
Why not "Spot a weak argument by evaluating it on its merits"?
I use a brush and shaving soap, and wholeheartedly recommend using those with your multi-blade razor.
Pima cotton is American, grown in the Pima desert (around Phoenix). Honestly, I don't think I could tell the difference between that and Egyptian cotton aside from marketing.
Yes. As far as Valve is concerned, you're great. The Steambox isn't supposed to be some sort of profit center in itself, it's a delivery mechanism for Steam content (i.e., the store).
Sadly? "Personability" matters. Get used to it.
I don't think that there was any guarantee of 100% success, but that's not an excuse. If you're not the one making an effort to do your part to improve the company (department/store/etc) culture, then don't whine about how management never notices you or promotes everyone else.
What, do you only have a finite amount of caring that you can perform in any given day?
I work in a research lab, and I still get weekends off. If you're talking about grad school, then, yeah, everyone is fucking each other, but I assure you that's treading on thin ice. Where do you think I witnessed/experienced most of the negative consequences of that? :p