Seeing as how you're JesusChrist, couldn't you make that happen?
Seeing as how you're JesusChrist, couldn't you make that happen?
Workflowy Premium! $5/mo or $50/year. Just saying.
I thought it was obvious that the Hall of Fame QB in question was Jon Kitna.
The "Clever Uses" tag has recently been diluted somewhat, I agree.
Sorry, that's just not true. As long as you don't lie on someone's behalf, nobody is going to care if you said "Hey, I think this person would be a good fit" or something equally non-committal. HR types deal with hundreds of applicants a week and hiring managers have bigger things to worry about. Maybe if you went to…
Lifehacker usually gives out pretty terrible job search advice (which is what happens when you take job search advice from a blogger, but whatever), and while this article doesn't really buck the trend, it does illustrate a more important point about networking.
Well, it's reciprocal. Keeping someone around means that you yourself are kept around, so to speak.
Well, if Facebook existed when you were in 7th grade, what kind of job are you going to be giving out a reference for?
I feel like people get too wrapped up in their own self-image. Unless someone is directly related to you and you personally shepherded them through the entire application process, nobody is going to remember or care if you gave a reference.
I have yet to find a democratic country where you couldn't cherry-pick embarrassing campaign materials.
It's called networking, and it happens all the time. The difficult part of getting a job isn't the interviewing stage of it, is' getting your resume noticed. If someone calls up a hiring manager and says "Hey, I know Person X, and I think they'd be a good fit here" without going into any more detail whatsoever will…
I understood his intentions immediately? I think you might just be in the skinny part of the bell curve :p
Gamers are sexy eye candy enough.
The unanimous cry of "This is stupid" restores my faith in the Lifehacker commentariat.
That is an example of what would have been a much more worthwhile post than "Make your mouse uglier and less practical with three hours of your time and Sugru"
Why was Nathan A. in the women's room?
I think you're being a little generous to World of Warcraft. I'm not trying to knock it down, but I think it's hard not to at least consider that it may have reached its sell-by date.
Getting old is when you don't buy games anymore, period.
If they didn't anticipate this, they're crazy.
In fairness, your name is Technical Knockout Knockout. Glass houses, stones, etc.