
@GIGAR: Gamestop could probably get away with not selling used games if they had a couple dozen employees instead of 17,000 and found a way to ditch the 6,000+ brick-and-mortar stores, too.

I don't understand why people spit bile at Gamestop for their used games. Gamestop isn't a charity. They have employees to pay and shareholders to answer to. _All_ they do is sell videogames - they don't have the padding that Best Buy or Target have to prop up new sales.

@Star Vixen: That was almost certainly a deliberate stylistic choice.

The problem is that when you buy a smartphone, you're locked in to that choice for at least two years (and in some cases beyond that if you invest in apps/usage/etc). So there's a need to justify the purchase of Phone A over Phone B.

@Alex_Mexico: I've already seen that. It doesn't change the fact that "Football" refers to different sports in England, the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, .. etc.

@Alex_Mexico: Okay, so one of the Fs in FIFA is football - that doesn't change the fact that "soccer" is a more precise term for the sport than "football."

@Alex_Mexico: FIFA (in English) is the International Federation of Association Football. Notice the "Association" part? That's what "soccer" comes from.

@kirnkorner2001: Yeah, I'm right there with you. IM programs aren't supposed to be inside a web browser, at least in my world.

I can't wait for Google to release this and then promptly stop supporting it just as they did with Talk.

@FrankenPC: Yes, racism is pretty much the same as not thinking something you like to do in your free time is art.

@mynameisjay: Yeah, but mercifully, the erudite commenters on Gizmodo have given lie to _that_ idea.

@harbingercrow: "It can also be argued that Super Mario Bros. has had a lot more of an effect on the cultural landscape in its 25 years of existence than Citizen Kane has in 70 years."

I don't know. It's easy to cause damage to a plane - even invisibly - by leaning on the wrong spot. People on airfields know this (or, at least, have someone who can warn them), and you're not going to accidentally wander onto a parking ramp.

I'm not trying to say anything about Android as an operating system... but can't we at least agree that it's a little ridiculous that what's supposed to be a/the current top-tier phone needs to specifically say it will be able to get a currently-deployed version of its OS?

@pishposh.mcgee: You think that's bad? Replace "" with "" and it turns out this is actually a super racist gadget blog.

The hardware specs seem squarely targeted at people who said to themselves "Hey, I like this EVO, but I wish I could charge it more often." I'm all for better hardware, but when are we going to see batteries with a capacity to match?

@KyleW: I have AT&T and I'm fine with them.

@Scytale: An ad-free version of Wired wouldn't be $4 or $5. Magazines don't make their money on selling the magazine, they make money on selling advertisements based on the number of copies they sell.

@thebullfrog: The iPad version didn't magically come into existence, and Apple takes a 30% cut as well.