
All Rom/coms? There are some delightful ones: Bringing up Baby, My Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, Clueless, My Man Godfrey, Bull Durham, The Lady Eve, It Happened One Night. Harold and Maude and Roman Holiday are great ones that don’t fit the formula.

It’s just Annie Hall--but with a happy ending. If they’d split at the end, it’d just be... Annie Hall.

Confusing counterpoint... Pete may be dangerous but that’s no reason to be homophobic to him?

This bi WOC quite frankly finds both Rich and Dale’s pieces to be insanely offensive. It’s ironic because they think they are better than the other basic white gay men, but come’s trying so hard to not be basic and gritty that it ends up being basic anyways.

Can we put down our wedding planning binders andfocus on the actually important fights?

I mean, it’s the Obama conundrum again, isn’t it? He’s genuinely politically liberal, but the most successful way to do that as a member of a disfavored minority is to be temperamentally small-c conservative.

You really hit on a thing here - people would (rightly) bristle if someone said “I like Mayor Pete because he’s a tolerable gay, you barely notice it because he acts straight so it makes me comfortable” but we’re supposed to be ok with “I don’t like Mayor Pete because he’s not more overtly gay in a way I really can

Can we put down our wedding planning binders and focus on the actually important fights?

The whole “gay guy will fuck around in office” thing is a really weird flex (and this is coming from a straight guy).

JFK and Bill Clinton managed to do the job while juggling plenty of extramarial sexual relationships. With women.

“And the whole speculating whether he’s a top or bottom seems pretty beyond the pale. When people speculate about women’s sexuality, people recognize that as misogyny pretty easily.”

I’d argue that being a self-loathing gay man still qualifies as homophobia, just as I think of self-loathing women desperate to keep down their fellow women as misogynistic. Inherent or not, the proof is in the pudding, and it sucks.

The moment I read “as a gay man” I knew what we were in for. Being a member of a group doesn’t give you the right to speak for everyone in that group. It lends credibility to your opinions but it does not change the fact they are your opinions.

Now playing

Reminds me of that episode of Fresh Prince where a fraternity won’t let Carlton in because he’s a ‘sell out’:

You know how they were looking for a white guy that could sing like a black guy? She plays that black guy.

I came out as bisexual at 30 and am only starting to look at actually dating now, at the ripe old age of 33. And every time I read something like what Rich wrote here, it makes me wonder why I bothered to come out to begin with. It’s like you can’t turn a corner without being lectured by some undercut with a bad

If Peck wanted an audience of just gay men then he should have written the article in a publication primarily read by Gay men, by writing the article in The New Republic he clearly wanted to get his fucked up POV to a wider audience-- this is the response he either wanted or should have been able to predict. 

The idea that monogamy is some kind of heteronormative conformity is all you need to know that this guy is a fucking idiot not worth listening to. If gay men were somehow not real gay men if they didn’t spend all their free time twirling  glow stick nipple tassels in a berlin leather club, no one would give a damn

“Plus, the “what if he just wants to fuck around in office” is WAY too close to “a woman will be too moody on her period1!!” to me.”

...even though Butler looks nothing like the King of Rock and Roll to me.